« ✑ » Chapter 8 - The Black Whisper

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Elijah was seated at his desk, drafting some useless statement for James. Due to the handover of power, it seemed there had been a total role reversal; James did whatever he pleased and gave the word on whatever he wished, while The Board was stuck doing all of the paperwork and maintaining the boring "business" and suits side of the rebellion.

Courtney was seated at her own desk, reading over some other papers. She yawned. "I think I'm going to call it a night, Elijah,"

"Yeah, the same goes for me," he rubbed his eyes tiredly and glanced at the clock on the wall. It read something like '1:03 am'.

The door to the small office creaked open suddenly, and they both turned towards the empty doorway.

"This is what you asked for, yes?" The Black Whisper said suddenly, Elijah and Courtney turning towards the back of the room. The Black Whisper placed a book down on an empty table.

Elijah jumped up quickly and rushed to close the door. "I don't even want to know how you snuck into the base," he muttered. Courtney stood from her desk and moved towards the book that The Black Whisper had put down.

"And I'm just supposed to assume that this is a demon magic book?" She asked, eyeing The Black Whisper for a moment. Elijah soon joined the pair.

"It is a spellbook of Malus Ars," they explained.

"That doesn't mean anything to me," Courtney snapped again. "I don't care what it is, as long as it's able to do what you promised us. I'm becoming impatient."

The Black Whisper bowed their head slowly. "Then I will see to it that the next task is completed in a timely manner." They picked up the book again and turned to leave when Elijah stopped them.

"Actually, before you go," he began, "I was wondering if you could tell us about a particular item of interest?"

The Black Whisper didn't reply so Elijah continued.

"Called the Fictus Ferrum?"

The Black Whisper coughed. "That phrase is Latin."

"What does it mean, then?" Elijah asked impatiently.

"It translates to something along the lines of 'made-up weapon'," they explained slowly.

"Oh," Elijah sounded a little embarrassed, speaking quietly. "Er... thank you."

"Do you require anything else of me?" The Black Whisper asked.

"No, you can go, now." Courtney shooed them with her hand and The Black Whisper promptly made their way towards the door of the office, opening it and leaving.

"I think James and Flare know that we're intercepting their letters," Courtney commented wryly after a moment.

"Really? What gave you that bloody idea?" Elijah snapped sarcastically.


This was difficult. Far more difficult than they had anticipated.

"Reddo vivus iterum," they waved their hand over the dead flower once more but again nothing seemed to happen. They couldn't afford to fail this hit; their spotless reputation was riding on this mission.

Why did I agree to this job? This is barely a hit, it's more like a scavenger hunt! They scolded themself. I'd always refused hits on him before. Why did I need to let my emotions get in the way? I don't usually let that happen.

The Black Whisper sighed and turned back to the book, rereading the page carefully. They had never really tried to perform much magic before, let alone Malus Ars. Though they could fondly recall memories of their mother performing basic daegicae to entertain them as a child.

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