Chapter 3

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After we returned to the main office, I put the papers I stacked into the container I brought from the storage room.

Seeing the stack of papers, I sighed silently, before glancing at my brother who had his attention divided. His left hand was typing on the keyboard on his work table while his right hand held paperwork, seemingly skimming through them. He was efficient, so i decided to get started as well.

With that, I pulled out my own laptop from my luggage, and started to analyze the papers I put in the container, or more precisely, a medium-sized transparent plasic box.

"Here, your tea Master." Akane who was in the office with us, poured out a cup of tea, and gave it to Kuro who gave Akane a small smile.

"Thank you." He accepts the cup of tea gratefully.

I ignored both of them, and I started to read the paperwork I was given. It was quite long, but I'll summarize it.

Requesting support! We're short on staff, and we need help rebuilding a few areas buried by the sand!

-Abydos High School Foreclosure Task Force

Among the paperwork I sorted, this one stood out the most. Abydos high school is one of the nine major schools in Kivotos, but I remembered from the book I got from the library that Abydos had fallen from its former glory, leaving it in huge debt after its territory was swallowed by the desert.

It piqued my interest that's for sure, but I set it aside for now. I then started sorting out the paperworks, and it took me almost two hours just to go through all of them.

In front of me were a few clear plastic containers that countained the papers I sorted out. I had to go back to the storage room quite a few times. I could've finished within an hour and half, but I also sorted out the messy paperworks on brother's table.

I plan to sort out the papers more thoroughly next time, but I was exhausted. The jetlag from the train ride that took more than a few days started to take its toll on me.

"Kuro-nii, I sorted out all the paperworks. I'm gonna take a break, and probably a rest soon." I said as I put a clear container on his table that had the sorted paperworks. Though, it wasn't even half of the pending paperworks I sorted that he has to go through.

"Ah, thank you!" He smiled bitterly while looking at the bundle of papers inside the container. "Oh, I almost forgot. You'll refer to me as sensei here."

"That's fine with me, but is there a reason why?" I asked as I tilted my head to the side, before brother scratched the back of his neck.

"It's a bit embarrassing to be called by my nickname in front of others." He said with a wry smile, so I nodded. His name is Aikawa Kurosuke.

"I understand, sensei." I smiled faintly.

Akane, who just finished cleaning up the office, came up to me and poured me a cup of tea. I gratefully accepted it.

"Thank you." The tea was still warm, and I easily drank it.

"Your welcome." Akane said with a bright smile.

After drinking the tea, I felt refreshed and I instinctively stretched my arms and back, when suddenly, a sharp pain struck my shoulder, making me flinch on the spot.

Akane, who was observing me after drinking her tea, noticed, and asked.

"Is something wrong, Yuuki-san?" Akane asked and I quickly shook my head silently.

I was so focused that I probably went through a second adrenaline earlier when I met Akane for the first time, and forgot that I was injured starting from my left shoulder to my right hand. Akane nodded in understanding, as if she didn't suspect a thing.

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