Chapter 5

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I'll skip the introduction and explain the current situation. Inside the classroom I'm currently assisting with cleaning, are two girls I don't know much about yet.

The person who guided me here earlier—Sunaookami Shiroko is the name of this silver hair four eared girl.

The other one had elf ears, french-braid black hair and amber coloured eyes. She was quite shy around me, but I paid it no mind and continued cleaning with them without talking much.

"Um, Aikawa-san, could you please throw both of these trash bags? This classroom is adequately cleaned, so me and Shiroko will wrap up here." She approached me with one green and one white trash bag, the green filled with recyclable materials, and the black one filled with waste.

"I understand. Also, you can call me by my name if you want." I told her.

Being addressed as Aikawa might get confusing when me and my brother are together.

"Is that so...? I understand. I'll address you using your first name then. In exchange, you can call me using my first name as well." She told me a small smile.

"I understand, Ayane-san. Then I'll leave it to you and Shiroko-san then."

"Good work today Yuuki-san."

After Shiroko confirmed my identity, she dropped her guard against me. I guess she really was on edge when I met her, and she was suspicious of everything.

I nodded at Shiroko and Ayane, and went outside the school building. Once I threw the trash on the garbage bins, I saw a group of people outside the school gate. Eventually, they entered the school brazenly as if they owned the place.

They wore black masks, and their uniforms were disheveled. Even their style screamed out that they were people who shouldn't be messed with. From my knowledge, they are people called delinquents.

Just as I was about to steer clear away from their way and enter the school builing again, one of them noticed me and called out to me.

"Oi you! You with the white hair!"

Even their use of language was rough.

I really didn't want to interact with any of them, but all of them were armed to the teeth. At the end of the day, if I get shot just once with those guns of theirs, I'm a goner. It seems like I piqued the interest of one of them.

"Yes? How can I help you." I spoke politely as to not incite them.

"Are you a new student of this dilapidated place?" She asked me not too kindly as if she was demanding an answer.

Out of all of them, she was the only person close to the word "Proper," however, it doesn't mean she reached that.

"Dilapidated?" I tilted my head.

"Oi boss, you shouldn't refer to this place as rubbish you know? The little guy here can't comprehend your words that easily." She said while holding back her laughter.

"Shut up! I'll refer to this place as I wish! Now answer up! Are you a new student in this school?" She barked at her subordinate then questioned me one more time.

There were around ten armed people just outside the school building, and I was of course nervous. However, I did not let it show.

"I'm not." I told her.

Hearing this, she raised her brows and her face contorted into a frown.

"Haah?! If you're not a student here, then what are you?"

"I'm just a helper, nothing more nothing less." With this, her interest in me should dwindle down

"A helper you say...?"

Blue Archive: The Prisoner of FateOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz