Chapter 6

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I stared at Shiroko, Ayane, and Serika's backs and heard footsteps in the hallways. I turned around and was greeted by two people.

The first one had pink hair with a cowlick reaching to her legs and heterochromic eyes of blue and orange. Her name is Takanashi Hoshino, and she is the head of the Foreclosure Task Force. She was shorter than the person next to her.

She had pale blonde, long hair that reached her waist, a side bun on her left side, and emerald green eyes. Her name is Izayoi Nonomi, and she is also a member of the Foreclosure Task Force.

"We're late, huh?" Hoshino said this while yawning. It was as if the current situation didn't bother her much. She had a shotgun in her hand, leaning on her shoulder.

"We're sorry! We got delayed since we were the farthest away from the entrance!" Nonomi said while carrying a minigun as if it were just a toy.

"Let's just get this over with quickly since I want to take a nap, or so I want to say, but there's a dangerous member among them." Hoshino said while yawning, before wearing a rather serious expression on her face.

"That girl, huh? She's indeed a formidable foe." She said it with a worried look.

"That red hair and eyes that stand out like a sore thumb, that's no doubt Akagi Emi." Hoshino described her with a troubled expression.

So the leader figure among those delinquents was Akagi Emi. Just like Hoshino said, she had red hair and eyes, and she was a little bit shorter than me. However, contrary to her outfit that screams "delinquent," she had a pretty face; however, her eyes were a bit sharp.

"In individual battle, her strength is worrisome, but since we are together, I doubt she can get through us. More importantly, are you hurt, Aikawa-san?" Nonomi asked me with a worried look on her face.

"I'm all right. Don't mind me."

"I see! Don't worry, we'll take care of this! This is nothing new to us." Nonomi said with an energetic smile.

Considering that my life was almost forfeit earlier, her smile was a bit refreshing.

"Since they hurt someone who I consider one of our own, I'll make sure to drill it into them not to mess with us." Hoshino glanced at me with a solemn look.

"With that, we'll be going now! You stay here, Aikawa-san!" Nonomi and Hoshino were about to leave through the exit, but

"Yuuki is fine." I told them, making them stop for a bit. Both of them looked at each other and smiled.

"We'll do just that!" Nonomi said in excitement.

"Kaaayy!" Hoshino, who usually replied with a tired tone, said with a bit more energy.

With that, both of them left the building, and I was left alone. Looking at the five of them, I was envious. They stood brazenly against 10 opponents without a hint of fear, even when they are outnumbered. That's something I can't do. However, I can't just stand here doing nothing either.

I immediately ran to the rooftop and materialized my partner-Schofield Revolver, but with a suppressor. It didn't look like the suppressor was attached, but rather, it was like the suppressor was part of the revolver from the start.

Instead of a circular-shaped suppressor I disintegrated before, the shape was the same as the nose, with its hue being the same as the revolver. It looked like a normal revolver, but it was indeed a silenced revolver when one looked closely. Whether it can deal damage to mystics is a different story, though.

I leaned over the edge of the rooftop and checked the situation below.

"I didn't expect that boy to be able to do that. I thought he was just docile, but there's more to him than meets the eye." The red-haired leader said it with a smile.

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