Chapter 4

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I woke up to a knock coming from my door. It was continuous and a bit unpleasant, so with groggy eyes, I stood up from my bed and went to the door.

"Yuuki-san, open the door! I know you're in there! I'll break this door if I have to!" I checked who was at the door in the display near the knob, and saw that it was Akane.

I was confused as to why she was panicked and serious, but I immediately opened the door. As soon as I did, it swung open loudly, and Akane's serious look in her eyes softened when she saw me, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Thank god you're okay."

Seeing her mouth curve into a slight smile of relief, I was a bit confused.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"Did you not notice what happened a few minutes ago?"

Hearing this, I slowly shook my head.

"Unfortunately, no. Why? What happened?"

Seeing my reaction, Akane was dumbfounded as if she couldn't believe it. But she soon began to explain.

"I heard a loud gunshot outside the building, and saw a bullet crack your dorm window. I couldn't see if the bullet went through the bulletproof glass since your dorm is quite high up." She gestured at me to follow her, and I followed her into my room.

She was right. There was a big crack in my window, and at the center of the crack was the bullet that failed to penetrate it. Judging from how it's positioned, the trajectory was most likely going for my head, and I shivered at the thought.

"I'm already looking for the culprit with the others, but this one is really good that we couldn't even trace them. You should be careful." She gave me a worried look and then left the room after we had small talk.

I don't know who's targeting me, but they sure as hell want me to know that they're after me. Akane is quite sharp since she partly understood that the shot was intentional. For me however, it was clear that it was intentional.

"What a noisy morning." I sighed and prepared for work.



I was tapping away on my computer when I noticed the time. It was lunch already, and I stretched my arms and back, yelping a bit.

"You've been working hard." My brother who just finished as well put a cold tea in a can on my desk.

"Thank you." I opened and drank it when he suddenly noticed a document on my desk before picking it up.

"Hm? Isn't this an Abydos High School Foreclosure Task document? Didn't you already sort out all of the documents?" He asked me curiously.

"Ah! I think I forgot to put that on the containers. I'll put it in the containers in a bit."

"That's rare. You usually take care of things so you don't have anything to do later. Did this document interest you?"

Even though we were apart for a long time, he still knows me like the back of his hand.

"Indeed, I am interested in that document. But I really did forget to put it in the container though."

Sensei pondered for a bit while rubbing his chin, before finally speaking again.

"I see. Well, if you want to accept this document, you can do that you know?" He said while returning the document to me.

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