Chapter 10

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Shiroko and Yuuki walked together to a nearby cafe, enjoying each other's company. Shiroko had asked Yuuki out, and he was free, so he agreed. Despite it only being a few days, Yuuki already felt welcomed by the Abydos students, and Shiroko was pleased to hear this.

"I was surprised at how easily you got along with them too," she said with her usual nonchalant tone, although it was evident that she was pleased.

It was understandable given that Shiroko and Yuuki had taken some time to get along as well as they do now. From being suspicious of each other to good friends, their relationship had come a long way.

"I must say, Shiroko, you shouldn't cling to a guy like that. For me, I don't mind, however, it could invite misunderstandings for others," Yuuki said, concerned.

Hearing this, Shiroko giggled lightly and gave him a playful smile.

"Don't worry, I only ever get close like that to you," she replied casually.

"That's exactly what I mean," he sighed, relieved.

Although Shiroko was having fun, it wasn't noticeable. Yuuki felt like he could be himself around her, and he appreciated their friendship.

They soon arrived at a cafe, and even though they had already eaten, they were curious and decided to check it out. They ordered their drinks: "One strawberry shake, please," said Yuuki, and "One grape shake, please," added Shiroko.

The shop attendant couldn't help but giggle as both of them blushed faintly, amused by their synchronized order.

"Looks like you two are in sync! Are you perhaps a couple? That's perfect because we offer discounts to couples here!" the attendant said excitedly.

Shiroko and Yuuki both looked each other in the eye after hearing the attendant's statement, and nodded simultaneously as if confirming each other's thoughts.

Embarrassed but eager for the discount, Yuuki quickly responded, "Yes, we're a couple... a lovey-dovey couple."

Shiroko giggled and clung to his shoulder as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "Yes, we love each other so much," she added, blushing but enjoying the playful charade. Her ears twitched with excitement, and Yuuki couldn't help but smile softly at her.


"I apologize for earlier, Shiroko... the discount got to my head," he said, heaving a regretful sigh as he looked at his beverage.

"No need to apologize. I actually enjoyed what happened earlier. I happen to enjoy discounts myself, but it was a first for me to act like a couple for the sake of a discount," she replied, giggling lightly and conveying her sincerity.

"On the other hand, why did you choose a strawberry shake? It's the first time I've seen you drink anything other than grape flavor," she asked curiously, her ears twitching in interest.

"Right back at you, you bought a grape juice when you don't even drink juice much," he pointed out.

Shiroko flinched and smiled wryly before replying in a slightly pouty tone, "I just wanted to know how your favorite drink tastes."

"I see... to be honest, I once saw you drinking strawberry juice back when we were restoring the building we were assigned to in Abydos, so I got curious as well," he admitted, scratching the back of his head in a shy manner.

Hearing his statement, Shiroko couldn't help but smile again after confirming that they really were similar in more ways than one.

"How about we try each other's drinks then?" she suggested with a calm yet excited tone.

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