Chapter 9

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I was patching up Shiroko's injuries while secretly using my spirit energy on the bandages wrapped in her arms. One thing I found weird however was how Shiroko was staring at me. I didn't know the reason why, so I paid her no mind.

"There." I finished patching her up.

Shiroko smiled softly once more, and I couldn't help but feel flustered.

"Thank you." She said, before shaking off my growing nervousness around Shiroko.

"No worries. I'll patch Emi next."

I turned my chair to face Emi, who had a slightly flushed look on her face while having a hard time looking me in the eye. It was understandable given that she got her chest touched by a man's face accidentally.

Still, I had mixed feelings. I was worried about the fact that Shiroko could've been in danger, and if I didn't help even when I was at the scene, it wouldn't sit well with me, but still, I felt a tinge of guilt towards Emi.

I heaved a sigh at the situation which caught Emi's attention.

"Why are you sighing...?" She finally looks me in the eye for a few seconds, before quickly averting her gaze away from me. I felt a bit tired because of this, and spoke up.

"Look, I truly am sorry for what happened earlier, but I didn't want any of you two to get seriously injured in this childish bout. I mean look at you, your body is aching all over right? What if things went too far earlier-"

After talking for a bit, I realized I was talking too much and stopped myself from talking. At this, I heaved another sigh and decided to just get straight to the point.

"I was just worried for the two of you... you don't have to hate me for that..."

Hearing this, Emi flinched, and she immediately tried to refute me.

"What?! It's not like I hate you for tha-! Gyah-!"

I cut her off by putting a plaster on her cheeks making her yelp, and just like Shiroko's bandages, it had spirit energy running on it making her recovery faster.

"Then I'm glad." I told her with a faint smile.

"W-What..." She was confused by what happened.

"You should be good to go now, Emi.".

She touched the plaster on her cheeks, and went silent. Though, her crimson filled face told another story.

The restoration for today was postponed due to their injuries, but the way they cleaned more diligently before the bout actually surprised me. I didn't know why they were more motivated, but we managed to clean half the building's floors in just half a day. We only need to clear a few more floors, then we'll proceed with the outside and lay down barriers to prevent sand from entering the building's premises.

I wouldn't be surprised if we could finish the restoration of the building by tomorrow. Then again, both of them were injured, so I'll have them take the day off tomorrow.

On another note, I was informed that the materials I had requested from my brother would arrive the day after tomorrow, after I had a phone call with him yesterday. Normally, the expenses for materials bought by Schale were covered by the school, and if they were club-related, the General Student Council would cover most of the cost. However, this privilege only applied if the materials were purchased from Kivotos.

Since the materials we needed were coming from outside Kivotos, we would have to cover the expenses ourselves. As I had just arrived at Kivotos, I had no money, nor did my brother. Therefore, we decided to request the materials from someone we both knew, our father.

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