Ep. 10: To Kill a Mocking Bird

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Jones leaned by a tree, smoking his cigarette as Carmine finished explaining. William stood by, nodding his head as he listened to the lecture.

"I didn't know he was the strongest," mentioned William.

"He's on the top of the priority list," stated Carmine, "Of course he'd have to be strong."

"Was that why you tested throwing things at me? To catch him?"

Carmine thought back to when the two met William. He had dodged the laser blast due to his ability, which slowed himself and everything within a radius.

"Yeah. We're giving the benefit of a doubt that he doesn't know much about the other psychos. Maybe he'll make a mistake and get within your range. Once he's slowed down, we'll catch him with the orb."

"Also," Jones wanted to add, "He's still a psycho. He looks like he's spacing out, but when he's threatened, there's a chance he'll turn his attention towards us and attack.

Carmine nodded. It was time to start.

"To think that you invented a device to take me down specifically, Farlane," glared Charles.

Farlane didn't pay attention to him. He was too busy looking at the screen.

For the past 40 minutes, Patent had been flying up in the air. It wasn't for anything though. Despite being so spaced out, Patent was alert. He already saw Jones, Carmine, and William, as well as others like Windsor, Phil, and Miyazaki. He had a good interpretation of who to seek out first, with Windsor's team being the likely target. However, he needed to attend the matter of defeating the three set to kill him. Most importantly: Patent knew to watch out for that orb.

Carmine pointed his pistol at Patent, his finger on the trigger. With his fingers, he counted from three.


Just as Carmine expected: the laser shot at Patent, but he had instantly blipped, disappearing in less than a second. Yet, Patent remained in the air, as if he was mocking them. Carmine could already imagine it.

He didn't dare go down because they weren't enough for him.

However, they had already come up for a plan against that. Dark clouds began to form above Patent, rumbling loudly in wait.

"You sure it'll hit him?" asked Jones, looking up at the sky.

"Likely, but it takes a while," answered William, holding out his Index, "I can command where the lightning will strike, but it still falls under the natural order. It'll hit the highest point first."

Patent disappeared from the air. No matter how fast a psycho is, they could never out speed lightning. Taking a lightning strike could open up vulnerabilities that Patent wanted to avoid.

"He'll be out of the sky for a while," declared Carmine, turning to the other two, "Let's regroup and take our posi—"

It was almost like a white blur. Blue fire emerged on Jones and Carmine, but not on William. Carmine instantly panicked.

"Shit!" he yelled, "He didn't attack William!"

Jones grabbed onto his cigarette, blowing a circle of fire around himself. However, before the fire could even freeze, it was put out by the white blur once more. This time, even more blue fire had appeared on Carmine and Jones.

"This blue fire," analyzed Jones, "It's slowly freezing us. Going for our cores."

"He has to slow down to stop and dash back, right?" asked Carmine, pointing his pistol up in an attempt to shoot Patent at least once, "His speed can't be constant if he needs to keep dashing back towards us."

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