Ep. 16: The True Feline

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Ichiraku, Santa, and Vega stopped walking the moment they had saw the tall buildings in the distance. Their eyes sparkled as they reached a new destination.

"Finally!" smiled Ichiraku with stars in his eyes, "No more open field! Some electricity and atmosphere!"

"D-Do you think there's some pancakes in there?" asked Santa in excitement.

"I don't know... I doubt cities would have restaurants in them," commented Vega, "No such thing!"

"Did you get a sarcasm software upgrade or something?" asked Santa with a glare, "I better give you a purple nurple once we're in."

The three walked over, discussing about what Vega could do in order to find out about his abilities more.

"Mhm," nodded Vega, "It's why I want to be a police officer. To protect people who can't protect themselves."

"Pretty honorable," said Ichiraku, "I wanna inherit my grandpa's ramen shop. Nothing beats working for your passions! What about you, Santa?"

"If I survive?" asked Santa, "I'll probably be summoned away. If not, I'd like to give out presents all over the world!"

"Sounds like a far fetched idea."

Their conversation stopped when the three noticed a large man in the distance from them. He wore a dark coat and a top hat, and his face looked like that of a leopard.

"Let's not underestimate this guy like we did with Waikazai," whispered Ichiraku, holding out his blades.

The other two nodded as they slowly walked over.

"Stop in your tracks," K-10 ordered.

"Uh... name's Ichiraku! This is Vega! This is Santa! We'd like to enter the city! We don't have any money though!"

"I am a psycho, not a toll booth. I am K-10."

"Kitten?" asked Ichiraku, hiding his smirk, "What a cute nam—"


"Ah, whoops," said Ichiraku as he bent down to pick the food up, "Dropped my ramen pack."

As he grabbed it however, he noticed K-10's feet right in front of him.

"I've already mentioned this," he stated, "I am a psycho."

K-10 grabbed Ichiraku's head, lifting it above the ground, "It's very foolish to take your eyes off of the enemy."

"He took the bait!" yelled Ichiraku as he threw his sword to the side, exchanging places with it.

As K-10 held the sword in his hands, Santa pointed her finger down to the floor.

"Extreme Paralyzation!" she yelled, "You're up, Vega!"

With K-10 paralyzed, Vega was ready to launch his arm cannon.

"All ready to go!" Vega announced.


K-10 was launched back by the blast, dropping the sword as ice emerged from his chest. However, as he got launched, he flipped, landing on the floor with both of his feet.

"Alright!" smiled Ichiraku, balling his fist, "A clean hit! Just a few more of those and his core should be revealing itself soon!"

"The exchanging of a material," mentioned K-10 as he stood up, no longer any ice on his chest, "You're the one with the cat-dog hybrid. To think that the demon would choose someone like you."

"Someone like me?" asked Ichiraku, glaring, "Then get ready."

"I may as well mention it to you," K-10 announced as Ichiraku, Vega and Santa ran over towards him.

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