Episode 20: Plants vs. Zombies

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The fat man sniffed as he watched the two psychos approach his house through the window, "Asking fer fight 'round these parts, guahehehe..."

Flashbang and Pablo stared at the large two-story cabin. In front of it was a large farm of various vegetables, including corn, potatoes, and wheat.

"Someone really took the time to build a farm here?" asked Flashbang in confusion.

"Whoever it is, their croqus were divided quretty evenly," mentioned Pablo as he sifted through the fields.

Flashbang grabbed a piece of corn, "Well, I'm kinda starving so..."

"HEY!" yelled Pablo in a concerned face, darting his eyes to the house.

"What's wrong?"

"......Clean that corn on a cob first. Here, use my water container."

"Oh thanks," mumbled Flashbang, grabbing the water container as he poured it over the corn, "Better to be safe than sorry, right?"

Pablo nodded. As Flashbang opened his mouth to bite on the corn, his head was immediately cut off. A scythe had flown from the ground nearby the field, slicing through and crashing into the cabin's window. As Flashbang slowly put his head back on, his face frowned in anger.

"Who the hell!?" he yelled, "I was eating that!"

"Just be glad your core wasn't in your neck," mentioned Pablo as he pointed to the cabin, "Psycho's definitely up there. Whoever he is, he has that scythe for a weaquon. Let's get inside and take him out."

Flashbang nodded as the two entered the cabin, looking through the fine interior. Almost everything was made out of wood, likely harvested from the dead trees that used to be in this field. Instead of a kitchen, there was a small kitchenette set with a campfire, the pantry loaded with herbs and spices, as well as some vegetable seeds.

"Nothing down here," announced Pablo as he left the bathroom, which was just a hole in the dirt. He cleaned it appropriately.

"Let's start checking upstairs," said Flashbang.

Pablo followed him up. As Flashbang got to the top of the staircase, he had noticed the slim halls, with only a single room at the end. Across the halls were small square plates, with painted faces on them.

"Odd looking paintings," inspected Flashbang.

"Hurry uqu and get out of the way already so I can make my way uqu," mentioned Pablo.

"Yeah, my bad," said Flashbang as he tried to scoot over, "This hallway is kinda—"


A plate hit Flashbang square in the head, stunning him slightly. Then, a large burly man down the hall ran towards him, shoving him and crashing into the wall. Flashbang tried to regain his balance, but the man crashed once more, breaking the wall and throwing them both out of the cabin, landing on the ground outside.

"Flash!" yelled Pablo, as he looked over at the other plates on the wall, which began flying outside.

However, two plates targeted Pablo, bashing into him repeatedly as they flew back and forth. Pablo summoned his own ice shards, crashing through the plates. However, the plates didn't react to the ice, slamming into Pablo and causing him to stumble down the stairs.

"Get off of me!" yelled Flashbang, throwing a punch at the big man.


The punch was blocked by a plate, the man, Big Tucker, smiling with joy, "FUNNY MAN! NICE TO MEET YOU AGAIN!"

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