Episode 23: Slow Down

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"Done eating?" asked Francesca, throwing the paper plates away into a trash can, "We'll probably have to keep moving. I saw a few psychos in distance."

Kairi nodded, "May I ask if you're alright?"

Francesca, "Yeah. You?"

"Mmmm," Kairi mumbled to herself.

"You eat way too much, Kairi," Francesca noticed, "Even after all this time I still have to give you the bigger portion."

"Ahh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to..."

"It's alright. Just remember to clean up."

It had been a month ever since they've cried every night. These two knew the severity of their situation, and needed to persist forward. It's what she would've wanted. Just as Kairi went over to throw away the plate, she immediately turned around, throwing a kunai at Francesca. Francesca immediately turned, extending her leg to kick the kunai away, crashing into the restaurant window and breaking it.

"We've really got the hang of it!" Kairi said with a big smile, "No one should be able to get the jump on us again!"



"You can stop smiling now. It's getting creepy."

"I'm sorry!"


A man with black messy hair and circular glasses entered the restaurant, adjusting his black jacket. He stared at Kairi and Francesca.

"Shoot..." William whispered, "I didn't see that there were two people here."

Almost immediately, Francesca and Kairi rushed over to the man, jumping up and attacking. Francesca used her leg boosters, and Kairi, her claws. However, the moment they entered William's range, they both began to slow down.

"Sorry!" smiled William as he pulled out a kunai, "But... you... guys... aren't... getting... in... the... way! Take... this... kunai... you... shot at... me... back!"

He threw the kunai, as slowly as the girls traveled. He then stepped away at the same speed, dodging the girl's attacks as the kunai got lodged into Kairi's shoulder. After ensuring his safety, William stopped the slow-down effect, causing both Kairi and Francesca to crash into each other.

"Ugh..." mumbled Francesca, scratching her head as she looked at William, "A slowing ability?"

"Not just that!" said William as he pulled open his book, facing its pages towards the girls.

Ice shards flew from the book, shooting rapidly towards them. Kairi and Francesca both deflected the shards with their legs and claws, having trained against fast projectiles this entire month. As Kairi got out of range, she shot out her tongue, trying to grab the book. However, William activated the slowing effect once more. He evaded the tongue grab, flipping a single page on his book as he pointed it towards the tongue. Soon, fire burst from the book, trying to burn Kairi!

Francesca dashed from behind William, her speed boosts dramatically increasing as she used her horn to try and drill into William. Knowing he couldn't dodge the horn attack and attack Kairi's tongue at the same time, William simply walked away from the attacks. Francesca extended her arm, trying to grab him, but she had missed. After ensuring his safety, he once again turned off the slowing effect. However, before crashing again, Kairi's tongue extended once more, looping around Francesca's arm to keep its momentum and shooting towards William's book.

After grabbing it with her tongue, she tried her hardest to pull, but William's grip was strong. Despite this, Francesca took advantage of William's shock, using the knife in her foot to kick William's chest, stabbing him with it. Leaves flew from William's book, covering the entire restaurant with flying greenery. The leaves were sharp, cutting up Kairi's tongue so she had let go out of pain.

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