Episode 47: Prey

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Phil fastened the band, connecting the two parts together as he finished his masterpiece. It was a makeshift rifle using the spare parts from his own pistol. He then started fiddling with some snow on the ground, constantly rubbing it over his body.

"No matter what psycho it is," mumbled Phil to himself, "No one can take a direct shot to the core. Even someone as invincible as Windsor couldn't... ah... bless her heart."

It was at that moment that Phil heard shuffling. Quickly, his eyes darted, looking around constantly to find the threat. There was no time. He hastily grabbed his rifle and started running down the forests hills. He had to ensure that the twigs and branches wouldn't impede his movements as he traversed down.


Quickly, Phil turned around, firing his rifle as bullets sprayed out of his gun. However, the hunter was already by his side, plunging his serrated blade right into Phil's forehead. Losing his motor skills, Phil began to collapse to the ground. However, Doku caught him, and tied him up, hanging him upside down from the branch of a tree. When Phil came to, he yelled, for his fingers were chopped off.

As they regenerated, he shouted at Doku, "What do you want!? What do you want? Please let me go!"

"I need information," Doku replied, leaning by the tree across from him, "List anything you know."

"Well, there's this guy named Francis Ford," sputtered Phil, "He has these long ranged attacks that can inflict some kind of poison! I saw it myself! But he can get overwhelmed when you get too close to him!"



Phil's eye popped from the kunai that plunged into it, spilling the crimson juice out of his head. The cornea was completely torn as the kunai shred into it, tearing apart each of Phil's individual rods and cones from behind. What was more excruciating was the peppers that were sprinkled onto the kunai's tip, as if that was Doku's initial intention all along.

"Don't lie," glared Doku, "Ford's abilities are far from your description, and going up close to him is a death wish."

"I'm sorry!" yelled Phil in pain as his eye tried to grow back, "I'm sorry! Please! Don't kill me!"

Doku walked up to Phil, raising his blade and slicing him down from the bottom of his belly to his neck. Phil couldn't even scream as his entrails and organs lobbed out of his body, slapping his face with the mass amounts of blood that oozed out.

"Stop yelling," Doku said as he grabbed Phil's kidney, squishing it around before crushing it, blood spurting out, "I'll aim for your left ear next.

Now tell me: Ichiraku Romein, The Griffin, Niie Kairi, Francesca Vargas, Caesar, Kami Kaze, Flashbang... all the information you have."

As Phil's vocal chords regenerated, he couldn't help but tear up as he spouted, "I... I only know about Kairi and Flashbang... Ichiraku too... and Griffin! Please... stop hurting me! It's painful!"

"Then you speak," Doku commanded.

"Kairi... she has this green electrical power... She's strong. Very strong. Not even Miyazaki could compare... It was like she's... she was destroying everything in her path!


Doku immediately peeled off a few of Phil's skin with a knife, "I want information! I don't need to hear how 'she's so strong!'"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I... I didn't get any weaknesses. Even the attacks we tried and that Francesca person tried... they barely dented her! We had to leave before it got rough, so we thought the Francesca chick died! Turns out.. she's alive by the watch."


"Ichiraku... I didn't see much but he had a different aura when he snapped out of the mind control... I don't know about him that much but he was weaker when I met him!"


It has been a few hours since Doku had interrogated Phil. Phil was still left hanging, his skin peeled away. The cold wind brushed against Phil's flesh, which had large amounts of coagulated blood. Every time they would try to regenerate back, Doku would immediately peel it off again. However, by this time, Phil was used to the pain. He had gone insane thirteen minutes ago, laughing as Doku even chopped off an arm.

"I told you..." giggled Phil as his eyes twitched, his mouth dry and crisp, "I don't know anything about Caesar... I've never met the guy...!"

Phil could no longer cry. It was too dry and he had lost the rest of his fluids from the amount of sweat and tears he had produced earlier. Doku tore into his belly once more, but only little amounts of blood had spilled out. The rest had dried up quickly. Upon seeing this, Doku decided to rest by the tree, putting pressure onto the spot above his pelvic cavity.

"Injured...?" coughed Phil up with a hoarse voice.

Doku merely glared at Phil, throwing two more kunai into his eyes. As Phil screamed, Doku thought back to his fight with Aeson.

"That toothed weapon of his..." Doku thought, "It's been a month now... but it still had lasting effects... That tooth wasn't just from any normal beast... it was unnatural. Even the regenerative abilities of the core can't fix it. It's like some kind of virus or disease..."

Doku looked at the tree branch, which had multiple ants on top of it, slowly crossing the rope as they made their way atop Phil's body.

"Argh..." Phil groaned uncomfortably, "Please... help. These ants... they're too aggressive. They're biting my body!"

Fire ants. They began to scatter around, picking up pieces of Phil's flesh with their mandibles. Phil could only scream as the ants made their way up the body. One even went inside Phil's urethral opening, gnawing away at the insides. Another would force its way under Phil's eyeball, pinching at the sclera.

"PLEASE!" yelled Phil.

Immediately, Doku had gotten up and bashed Phil's face in with the hilt of his sword, shattering Phil's teeth off.

"I told you not to yell," said Doku.

"Pleabe... pleabe..." Phil begged in constant pain.

Doku thought to himself, "I've completed my rest. Guess it's time to let him go."

Doku raised his sword to cut the rope, Phil's eyes widening in relief.


His left ear was gone. His core destroyed. As Doku left the forest, Phil could only feel the pain of his dry fleshless skin, his torn eyes, and the constant biting of the fire ants. Phil's last moments of this world were filled with nothing but pain and suffering.

[Phil Giordano: Eliminated]

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