Episode 39: Reunion

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"I'm hungry!" yelled Santa, looking around to eat, finding nothing but snowy plains, "Horses could eat me!"

"Machines don't require sustenance," replied Griffin, "So I don't require an eating establishment. If you ever find anything, I'll be glad to join you."

"You don't eat? Why not?"

"Well, I don't exactly have a digestive system to take in energy from consuming food."

"Well, you should try out the taste sometime. Sometimes the taste is good. You don't need to have... energy."

After finishing her sentence, Santa noticed something buried in the snow, "Could it be... food!?"

As the two approached, Santa's curiosity only grew wilder.

"Hey... this is...


He was unconscious, lying on the ground as if he was in a deep sleep. Surrounding him was a small crater, as if he was launched here.

"Ichiraku...?" asked Griffin, "Do you mean the host Hivemind had taken over?"

"No... this has to be the real one!"

Ichiraku slowly woke up to find Griffin and Santa talking over him. He was confused on what was going on.

"Are you sure it isn't just another Hivemind?"

"Yeah! Look! His swords... these are the same Daitanite swords that was given to him by Waikazai!"

Griffin looked and noticed as Ichiraku slowly stood up.

"You are Ichiraku, right?" asked Santa giddily.

"You're right..." mentioned Griffin, "The quality of his swords are the same as the one I had fought. He was a good fighter until the very end. The student must be proud of his teacher."

Ichiraku's ears twitched.

"What... did you say...?" asked Ichiraku.

"I am very appreciative of your teacher's performance. I am assuming that he mentored you correct? If he had given you those swords... he managed to cut me before I had killed him."


Griffin didn't react well, but already noticed that Ichiraku's sword had made contact with his chest.

"You're the one... who killed Waikazai?"

"This aggression... is unexpected."

Griffin's eyes widened before immediately leaping away. Santa leaped away as well as the sword slashed the ground, creating a crack in the ground.

"I've already had two close teachers taken away from me... and I've come across a person who killed my first teacher... Is this a coincidence? I'll take this opportunity to kill you."

"H-Hey, Ichiraku! This guy helped me while you were gone!"

"Shut up. Eugh... I'm going to kill this bastard."

"You're clearly exhausted," mentioned Griffin, "You need to take a rest."

"Ichiraku!" thought Santa, "Stop! If Waikazai can't beat him, neither can you!"

"Get over here!" yelled Ichiraku, slashing his sword downwards, "Governor of Wind!"

Griffin immediately dashed away, knowing fully that the Governor of Wind is an almost invisible projectile, moving straight towards him. However, he felt lots of pressure as he began to get cut up. There were multiple scratches on his body, but it wasn't enough to cut. It seems that Ichiraku's Governor of Wind was more widespread and less accurate than Waikazai's, but it didn't have too much power.

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