Ep. 17: All Bets Are Off

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[One Month has passed...]

He couldn't sleep. The nervousness seeped in every day. The man got up from his bed and washed his face.

"I should shave again," the man said, noticing the stubble on his chin.

After dressing up in a polo and slacks, he put on his glasses after combing down his blonde hair. He left his room, which was labeled "Seux Chang."

"Collins dear," a middle aged man in odd attire and a shaven head said, "You're up early. Couldn't sleep again?"

"Please, Samson, just call me Michael," the man chuckled before turning into a deadpan face, "Seriously, I'm not into guys."

"Oh, you know I jest. Now answer my question. I am concerned about you."

"Yeah, you're right," Michael said, sitting down at the table Samson sat at, "Flashbang's too reckless. I feel like even with Raccoon Nest backing us up he'd get himself in a lot of trouble."

"Oh, but hasn't he trained with that Pablo boy to coordinate attacks better?"

"There's been a few tussles they've been in. Sure, it's improved, but they barely make it out of the battle."

"Hm, but that's every battle so far. There hasn't been any deaths in the battle royale ever since the first few days. It's the scouting period so I wouldn't worry. Each team and psycho are measuring their opponents' skill level."

"Yeah, but that's not what I'm worried about, Samson," Michael said as he stood up, beckoning Samson to follow to the main conference hall, "Scouting period ends around these few days. We could be seeing some more deaths."

"Then let's just hope Flashbang and that Quablo person use their skills well."

Michael nodded, before turning to Samson, "Those Twins of yours. They doing alright?"

"Yes... Ever since Sarah Belle died, their emotional state has been very inconsistent, but they're holding their own."

"How's Andrea?"

"Been a month now. She still hasn't recovered."


Samson and Michael both entered the conference room, where a multitude of CEOs were talking to each other, placing bets and watching the huge screens.

"Anyone die yet, Marlo?" asked Michael.

"Eager, are we, Mr. Collins?" smiled Marlo, shaking his head, "No psycho has died yet. They've been really taking their sweet time. Those who were strong started scouting other competitors, and those who were weak have been training."

Michael scanned the room. A few CEOs were missing, mostly due to their psycho dying so early on. Neo-Sancta Terra, who had Rayne the Devout as their psycho, was nowhere to be seen. ToyCo. too. Marlo tugged on Michael's sleeve, pointing to an elderly man and what seemed to be his grand daughter.

"Newcomers from RamenBiz," Marlo mentioned, "They were with ToyCo. a month ago, but they encountered K-10 from Adam and Eve Police Department. Ever since, it seems they've been in grim states, and their psycho seems to have changed too. For the better I suppose."

"Decoratum's with them too, aren't they?" Samson mentioned.

"Yeah, but get this," Marlo continued, "The psycho from Decoratum betrayed RamenBiz's psycho so early on. They haven't been on good speaking terms ever since, but it still seems that the two psychos are still together."

"Pretty odd," mumbled Michael, "Guess they're really desperate for numbers that they have to stick together despite the distrust."

Michael and Samson sat down in their chairs, watching the screens as usual. The psychos all seemed to do their own thing. Samson tossed in a few coins at the table, where a man gathered them up for the next bout.

"What're you doing?" asked Michael.

"Betting, Collins dear," Samson replied, "You're not going to partake?"

Michael shook his head, "Seux Chang honor. Not in it for the money."

"Shame, there seems to be a really big fight about to happen," explained Samson, "Two hyped ones at least, with a clear dark horse. Betting can really save some companies, you know."

Those who didn't get to partake in the Adam and Eve project can still bet for some psychos to win or lose an encounter. However, if they really wanted money, they'd bet for the winner overall.

"Too many variables," mentioned Michael, "Odds are too low. If Patent Pending can die, then so can the others."

"That reminds me," Samson said, leaning back in his chair, "Ever find out where Charles went?"

"Nah. After Patent died, the guy just went into a fit of rage and disappeared. Probably jumped into another ship or something. I'd be pissed too if my hyped up psycho ended up dying first day. Carmine and Jones are tough contenders who deserve a spotlight."

"Explains why so many people are betting on them," Samson said, "It seems that they're winning their encounters against most people. Only tie was when Carmine met K-10."

"What're the big names in the game right now?"

"Definitely Carmine and Jones. Vikram. K-10. Doku Shino, but we haven't gotten vision of him ever since the mountain incident. Waikazai, but he hasn't engaged in a fight with anyone. He's just been cutting things for the camera. Maybe even Kami and Ford, who haven't engaged in contact with anyone.

There's also one other though."

"One other?"

"Hasn't fought anyone. Hasn't really shown up on the radar. Everyone's getting suspicious and a tad bit nervous."

"Why? Was there a psycho left behind?"

Samson pointed at one of the screens displaying a cliff, "Volkolika: the company for the Volkik aliens. They say that their psycho is somewhere near that area. Who knows for sure? A few Hivemind entered that place.

Never returned."

"All I can hope is that Flashbang doesn't meet 'em then."

Samson nodded, "Come. Let's watch this screen. The fight I told you about is going to start."

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