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"broken" it said

"broken" it echoed inside my head

echoed like a thousand broken promises and lies

hurt like the pain of hearing someone's cries

a shell of myself

that's what I've become

a caved in figure

a faded picture

a conflicted being

a restricted screaming

I choked on my breath

it grasped at my throat

as I struggled to breathe,

the pain became too much

I felt my legs begin to give out

and I fell to the floor

My hands reached up to cradle my head

pain was all around me

the only thing that mattered was the darkness

I was lost to the dark

the silence became deafening

and for once I didn't know how much more

I could take

I don't want to be here anymore

the silence is too loud

but still, nothing came to my aid

I wanted to scream

to cry

to do anything other than feel trapped

and I'm not sure if I will ever escape

Here's a eerily vague poem for you. I found this in my files and I have no recollection of writing it. It was a pleasant surprise so I did some editing and here it is. 


Raw Emotion PoemsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora