Wounds Untold

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That's what I've become

Unwilling to face reality

Unfeeling towards the issue

Uncaring for the result

I dread the day when the dams will break

a flood of hurt will come drown me

the tears of loss will chain me

I will end up hurting somebody

with the unholy demons that crawl in my mind

I don't want to feel

I don't want to care 

because when I do the world will break 

and that's a bigger mess to clean up

I want to die because I'm unsure of how long I can hide

But death will crush the people I love

I can't do that

but so will the feelings that I locked away

the pain will hurt the ones around me

until they won't want me

so that is why I am the way I am

broken and hiding

because the mask has to hold 

or I will hurt someone else

with the wounds untold

~ having trouble RememberThoseDreams

I'm going to go listen to Mended by Matthew West now.

"When you see broken beyond repair

I see healing beyond belief 

When you see to far gone

I see one step away from home

When you see nothing but damaged goods

I see something good in the making

I'm not finished yet

When you see wounded

I see mended"

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