Arrival at the Academy - Part 1

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Melanie and Hepha entered the glass dome building, and inside they were met with a very suspicious set of stairs heading down, and nothing else but walls, not even a sign, or any paintings.

《Hepha can't see the bottom...》

《Not much else around here, though. Let's go down.》

But before the two could move, they heard loud footsteps, running. The two looked behind them, and there they found a young girl wearing the same uniform as Melanie. She had pretty, short golden hair, and was panting as though she ran a fair distance. She was more or less the same height as Melanie, maybe shorter by a few units, and her azure eyes complimented her golden hair nicely.

《Um! Are you two also students of the Armscademy?》

Armscademy is the shortened name for the Academy of Armaments, and it seems that this innocent-looking girl is also a student.

《I am. She's my Aegis.》

Melanie said as she pointed at Hepha, who followed with a nod. The innocent girl sighed in relief, her hand placed on her chest, such a typically innocent gesture.

《So I wasn't late, thank God...》

The girl then slowly walked over to Melanie and Hepha, and smiled brightly as she focused her eyes on their faces.

《I'm Melanie, this is Hepha. You are?》

《Ah, right! I'm Freia Citadel, nice to meet you!》

The innocent girl introduced herself as Freia Citadel, and though it seemed like she had a slight glow coming from behind her, Melanie deemed it was nothing important.

《Still, your Aegis... Miss Hepha can materialize a body, huh... How rare.》

Freia looked at Hepha and stared her down top to bottom, then looked back to Melanie while still smiling so innocently.

《I really wanna ask, but for now, we should probably head to the academy.》

It seems Freia isn't actually as dense as one would expect from an innocent damsel-in-distress type. She walked towards the stairs behind Melanie and Hepha and started descending, urging the other two to follow along.

《...She's a tough one...》

Hepha quietly muttered as Melanie followed Freia down the stairs, and then promptly followed Melanie down.

The three only had to go straight, there were no other directions for them to go other than straight forward and back. Even still, it was surprisingly dark, so dark even that you could only see a faint glow emanating from Freia.

《Say, Freia, what's with that glow?》

Melanie made up her mind to ask Freia about the unnatural glow behind her. It may be faint, but seeing as the three are just quietly climbing down the stairs, and seeing as that faint glow is the only thing to see, Melanie thought it would be a good time to ask.

《Oh, that? To be honest, I don't really know either.》

Freia answered frankly. The glow behind her was located right behind her head, so as she turned around to face Melanie and Hepha, the glow also moved to behind her head.

《I tried asking mum and dad, but they don't seem to know either. Sis might have an idea, but she's too busy for something like this.》

She explained, and looked back forward, with the faint glow moving along as well. The three continued to move forward and down through the dark staircase.

《What about your Aegis?》

《Oho. Curious, are we?》

When Melanie asked about Freia's Aegis, Freia's more innocent voice turned smug, as if she's about to brag.

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