Introduction: Trinity Gods

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Let me give a brief introduction.

This world, Nevadalier, worships a trinity of gods: the Machine God Leander, the Creation Goddess Angelica, and the Living Goddess Melanie.

It started as a cult worshipping the Administrator Melanie (Me) in the Beta Earth, but as the last generation worlds died out and were recycled, the cult became an actual religion worshipping the three Administrators in the form of the Trinity Gods.

At first I started the cult to find the Babel survivors, but in the end it only managed to bring in the descendants of those survivors. Though, not to say it's a complete failure. Part of my objective was to make Babel and the Administration somewhat known without alerting Leander's Ex Machina too much... or well, loopholing their rules. L's Ex Machina are way too strict with their rules on not exposing Babel and the Administration, that being the Administrators, Moderators, etc. L himself is a bit of a nuisance, always trying to figure out where I am like he's my dad or something, but he's not as strict as his Machina.

With that in mind, according to the religious scriptures made by Lotte's mother, Saintess Lilith, these are the roles of each God in the Trinity.

The Machine God, Leander. His role is to manage the magic system granted to the people by his Ex Machina. As explained in an earlier episode, the Ex Machina are capable of replicating Gifts. The people of this world call upon that power, naming it Magic, and the Ex Machina respond by granting them a portion of the power they could achieve with a Gift. The main difference between Magic and Gifts being Magic is universally available to all. Rather than a Machine God, L's more of a Magic God. The only reason he's called the Machine God is because it's his Ex Machina that fuel the Magic System, he just manages it. Here's his scripture.

The Machine that governs the world's secrets. What man questions, He answers; what man seeks, He gives. The governor of the Machina that serve as the world's engines.

The Creation Goddess, Angelica. She is supposedly the creator of the world of Nevadalier, which is far from the truth, but well, it was easy posing her as such. Unlike me, she can't just waltz into a world and do whatever she wants, and technically speaking, she did create the world... But I digress, she'll continue doing what she's been doing, that is making sure the worlds don't collapse on themselves. The timeline and events for the worlds are entirely up to the Moderators, Angie's role is simply to make sure the world doesn't collapse. And since she can't interfere with the world directly, she does so by appointing Fixers. The scripture reads as follows:

And so the Creation appoints the greatest of man; Her Messenger– Her Fixer, to cleanse the world of impurity.

Finally we reach yours truly, the Living Goddess, Melanie. My role is simple: Walk on the earth as one of it's own, live as it's beings, die as it's beings, and be reborn anew as yet another one of it's beings. I don't have any special obligations, I'm free to do whatever I want, as long as it doesn't interfere with the Moderators' vision. That said, even though I'm not obligated to, I do help out in some occasions. Like this one time in the Beta world, Josh– er, I guess his more common name is Jesus, he didn't evolve his Gift as much as his Alpha counterpart, and when he died, he couldn't resurrect himself according to the scriptures. So I gave him a hand, or, well, arm. Though, for some reason, Saintess Lilith made me out to be a miracle worker... Here's the scripture.

The Living that walks on the earth, creating miracles with each step She takes, the great Goddess that walks among us. Blessed will be those that see Her figure, hear Her voice, smell Her fragrance, touch Her hair.

Have you noticed something? Yes, the other two don't interfere with the world directly, they send proxies. For L, his Ex Machina, and for Angie, her Fixers. I don't have a proxy, because I can just walk right into whatever world I want and do whatever it is that needs doing. Though, there was this one time Angie tried copying my thing by giving Protagonists the ability to travel to different worlds, but they're not as efficient as I am. She can also create a physical body for herself in the pocket dimension she gives the Protags as a gateway, so that may be one of the reasons. Angie also has a lot of say in what Adam and Eve– the previous generation Moderators did, and often interfered a lot (albeit indirectly), especially with regards to Witches. Long story short, each and every Witch has Angie's blood flowing somewhere in them.

So I figured, if she copied me, why not copy her?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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