Break - Part 1

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The principal left the room, saying she had business with the other classes, and immediately after, the whole class sighed as one.

《That was scary...》

《I didn't think the principal herself would be our homeroom...》

《It's just the first hour and I'm already tired...》

Such were the complaints of Melanie's classmates. Melanie herself knew what the principal's personality was like, having met her way back when, and she knew that she was most likely intimidating her classmates with the previously mentioned Sorcery. And because Melanie knew this, she wasn't affected by the intimidation like her classmates were.

《You're a tough cookie, huh...》

The lady behind her commented, looking especially exhausted from the principal's intimidation. She was, of course, Sophia Télinfer, an acquaintance of Melanie from another life, and coincidentally one of the members of her group.

Speaking of, if you were to look at the other members of the group, you'd see Freia on the seat beside Melanie's, who immediately passed out after the principal left the room. Behind her was the fourth member of the group, Rose Farren, and she looked even paler than before.

《...She's not as scary as you guys think she is, you know.》

《For you, maybe! That woman... that aura she was leaking... it's something I've never seen in my long life... And that's saying something!》

Melanie tried to reassure them, but Sophia snapped at her with words of reason, Rose nodding along with her words silently.

《In the first place, how are you completely fine?!》

《I'm not affected by anything that affects my mentality.》


Melanie showed them her left arm, and the arm extended mechanically, revealing the metallic plating from its fingers all the way until the elbow.

《Partim Vita Ex Machina. You should know what an Ex Machina is, right? If what Ms. Eli said is true, that we're all from another world. That means we've all met atleast one Ex Machina.》

Her arm returned to normal as she lowered it, and Hepha popped her head out of Melanie's shadow with a concerned face, but seeing as the others didn't seem frozen, she returned to hiding. That is, if she didn't get forcefully pulled up by Melanie.

《First, let's introduce ourselves. My name is Melanie Theilinheart, and this pretty copy of me is my Aegis, Hephaestus.》

Melanie introduced herself to her group members while dragging Hepha up and making her wave her hand. It was humiliating for Hepha. But, Hepha was able to return to Melanie's shadow after she waved her hand.

《Shouldn't we wake her up first?》

Rose pointed at Freia, and waved her hand in front of her face. She was completely unconscious, but her eyes were wide open. Actually, she might even be sleeping at this point, since drool is coming from her mouth.

Sophia snapped her fingers, causing Freia to wake up immediately, while Rose and the other students of U-01 recoiled in reflex, except Melanie.

《Hyi! Yes, sorry for sleeping, Milady!!》

《I'm not your lady... We're introducing ourselves to each other, so I figured we should wake you up. Melanie already introduced herself.》

Freia woke up the instant Sophia snapped her finger, waking up in a strange manner. She looked around attentively as though she was looking for someone.

《...Is the principal gone?》

《She is... why?》

Freia sighed in relief, dramatically lowering her body in her seat. Then, she sat back up as though she remembered something.

《Right, right, introductions! I'm Freia Citadel, nice to meet you all.》

With a frantic bow and a smile, Freia introduced herself. Despite how she acts, she is still a noble, and knows how to act like one. Freia glanced threateningly at Melanie's shadow, as though she was aware of the narration. But that would be impossible.

《Rose Farren. I'm no noble kid like you all, but please take care of me nonetheless.》

Rose introduced herself, raising only her hand, not giving a bow or a smile like Freia did. In the first place, Rose, despite clearly being a pretty lady, is wearing the male uniform for the academy. The same white and red colors, she was just wearing pants instead of a skirt.

《Don't mind the uniform. I accidentally packed my brother's, so...》

Which means that there is a silver-haired handsome man vampire out there wearing his sister's uniform. There were some outrageous rumours like that going around as Melanie and Freia were moving through the hallways, but to think it was true...

《That leaves me, then.》

Sophia sweeped her clothes of dist as she stood up, and gave a gracious bow, followed by the smile of a mischievous vixen.

《Sophia Télinfer, pleasure to make your acquaintances.》

Her doll-like face and silky ashen hair. It was the face of a very familiar person, one that both the woman who calls herself Sophia and Melanie know all too well to be dead.

《Melanie and I go a ways back, I suppose you could say we're childhood friends.》

Her voice was alluring, and it felt as though with every word she speaks, she's pulling you closer to her. Her eyes turned a slight gold color for an instant, and her smile grew ever so creepier. And then, Melanie smacked the back of her head with a solid hammer called Thor, courtesy of Hepha.

《You're not gonna do any brainwashing while I'm around.》

《Ow ow ow ow, I was just kidding!》

The two's banter left the group laughing for a moment, but only for a moment. As thunder struck, the whole area went dark, leaving only a single place illuminated, the principal's desk at the front. And wouldn't you know it, there she was. The brunette lady sitting menacingly atop her desk, the small light below her casting a shadow behind her, making her look much larger than she actually is. The principal looked angry, very angry. The entire classroom was instantly filled with dread, and all of the students gulped, except for Melanie, but that's already a given, so the narration will no longer mention it.

《I see you're all having fun while I was away...》

Melanie the ReincarnatorOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz