Lesson - Part 1

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《Now, strike.》

The principal said abruptly, and Melanie charged forward in an instant, stopping in front of William. She swung Iskandar down unto William's sword. William just barely had the reaction time to properly block the strike, but Melanie was aiming for his sword, not him, so even if he wasn't able to block it, he wouldn't have suffered major injury.

《Fight back.》

The princial's words felt heavy. Her voice rang inside William's head, compelling him to move. He brushed aside Iskandar with his sword and moved to stab Melanie, but all for naught as Melanie caught the blade with only two of her fingers.

The principal's words rang inside William's head once again, and he thrusted his sword downward, pushing Melanie's hand down as she held the sword, but her fingers remained in tact, still holding the sword. She responded by swinging Iskandar down on William as his own sword was held hostage by Melanie's fingers.


With that word, all tension was freed, Melanie stopped mid-swing, and Iskandar was confiscated by Hepha, who then dematerialized it. Melanie took a deep breath and breathed out a large sigh, and she relaxed. Meanwhile, William was still in a state of confusion.

《"I thought I was done for", right? Let me tell you something. While it's true that as an Aegis continues to get passed down generation to generation, it's power decreases, that doesn't necessarily mean that the original is superior by all means.》

The principal read William's mind and began a small lecture.

《What you experienced just then was "Synchronization". I forced it, but you still managed to do it. It's similar to "Primal Era State" in many ways, the main difference being that Synchronization focuses on your strength rather than your Aegis'.》

In other words, Primal Era State reenacts the golden age and full strength of an Aegis, while Synchronization synchronizes the Aegis with the wielder in order to support the wielder's strengths.

《But let's put that for later. Return to your seats, you two.》

At her words, Melanie went back to her seat by the window, and William stumbled over to his own seat right at the very front. From the looks of things, he's exhausted all his strength.

《So, let's get back to basics. What is an "Aegis"? Télinfer.》

The principal asked a question that everyone knows the answer to, and looked to Sophia for the answer. She looked to be lost in thought until her name was called.

《Ah, yeah... An Aegis is... a weapon, long answer, short.》

She started to explain what an Aegis is. An Aegis is a weapon, that is correct. There are two types of Aeges, Contracts and Heirlooms. Let's begin with Contracts.

Contracts occur when a wandering spirit of an ancient legend take interest in a person, and urges them to form a contract. These Contracts can then be summoned as famed weapons of the wandering spirit of the legend they've contracted with. In short, the Contracted Aegis takes the name of the wandering spirit of the legend, and takes the form of one of the weapons the legend once used.

On the other hand, Heirlooms are Aeges that are passed down from one generation to another. When a Contracted Aegis wielder is no longer able to wield their Aegis, due to old age or for whatever reasons, they can choose to pass down their Aegis to a successor, and that Aegis will take the name of the previous wielder. Like this, the Contract formed by the wandering spirit will expire, but the weapon of the legend will still be used as an Heirloom, as proof of the predecessor's previous Contract with the spirit.

But, although it is most common for Aeges to manifest as weapons, there are legends who are known for other things rather than weaponry. Earlier, Saint Nicholas, or Santa Claus, manifested as a sleigh complete with reindeers, but not as a weapon. There are wandering spirits who can manifest as things other than weapons.

They're mostly similar, but there are two big differences between Contracts and Heirlooms. Contracts can enter a "Primal Era State" wherein the wielder's body becomes that of the Contracted Aegis', and their thoughts are linked together. Contracted Aeges can also be Giftbearers. Meanwhile, Heirlooms have a different ability, "Synchronize", where the Aegis transforms itself to fit it's wielder perfectly and support them to enhance their strength, but Heirlooms do not possess Gifts.

And for the most part, all the students in the room agreed with this answer, as they all nodded their heads.

《Good answer. Now, Gifts. Tell me about Gifts, Citadel.》

《Eh? Ah, um... Gifts are... Gifts?》

Freia was startled when she was suddenly called to answer. She stood up nonetheless, and slowly started to explain it.

A Gift is a special ability unique from person to person. There are no two people that have the same Gift that exist at the same time. A Gift takes a concept, however strange or however normal it may be, and physically manifests it. People usually awaken to their Gifts at a very young age, but there have been cases of Gifts manifesting much later in life.

A Gift's concept can be anything. From something as simple as fire, to being as complicated as the fears of others. Unlike Magic, Gifts are not bound by a set of rules. The only rules being whatever the Giftbearer makes for themselves, even subconsciously.

For example, Melanie's Gift let's her reincarnate after death. That's the main concept, reincarnation. However, she specifically set a rule for herself stating that she must reincarnate into another world as an infant when she dies. But in reality, if she ignores that rule, she could reincarnate into the same world as herself from just before she died fter her death.

Let's look at Hepha's Gift. Unlike Melanie, she does not set rules for her Gift, and so she can do exactly as her Gift's concept allows her. The concept of her Gift is weapon creation. With such a concept, she can freely create Aeges she's seen before with ease. She can also create Aeges she's never seen before, but because she's never met them, it would be difficult. It's not limited to Aeges either. Anything that can be weaponized, she can create through her Gift. She only chooses to create Aeges because she is familiar with them the most.

The existence of a Gift or a Giftbearer in a country is so huge that entire economies and civilizations have fallen by making the wrong moves, that's how important Giftbearers can be.

《...and yet this comically large country of ours has these overly important Giftbearers as normal citizens. Good grief...》

Freia commented as she sat down and finished the explanation. The rest of the students had a somewhat perplexed expression, since that last bit of what she said was completely true, and they were aware of it. If one of Nevadalier's Giftbearer citizens were to visit another country, they'd be treated to a life of luxury and respect.

《Ahaha... Pushing that aside, you mentioned something quite important there. Magic. Take it away, Farren.》

One of the students at the back stood up as her name was called. She had platinum-colored hair, cut short. She had a stoic expression, but that stoicness was overlooked because of how puffy her cheeks looked. Her left eye was a bright turquoise color, while her right eye, a deep crimson. She also had evident fangs on her teeth, and her skin was pale as snow. Of course, she wore the students' white and red uniform as well. She is one of Melanie's classmates, Rose Farren.

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