Break - Part 2

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《That's not fair! How dare you have fun without me!》

The principal floated above her desk, throwing a tantrum, waving her arms and legs all around. Her menacing aura is still active, leaving the kids in a state where they have no idea how to react. Melanie, however, pointed at the principal with a finger gun, and whispered a small bang before an extremely tiny ray of blue light shot from it and hit the principal, disturbing her mid-air tantrum and causing her to fall down, face first unto her desk.

《Ow-! Who did that?!》

《Keep that aura of your's in check before acting like a kid, please.》

《So it was you, Melanie...》

Just as Melanie suggested, the principal hid her aura as she started to float back up above her desk. She cleared her throat before looking at her students, group by group. As she finally hid her aura, the kids were significantly more relaxed than before, as they were looking at the principal with curious eyes instead of their prior dreaded eyes.

《Okie dokie, then. I know it's sudden, but today I'm gonna have you guys fight each other.》

It really was sudden. Barely an hour ago were they just assigned classmates that they would be stuck with for the next six years, but their first challenge has already arrived in the form of battle. Naturally, the kids were reluctant.

《There's a few reasons, y'see. While I don't distrust my instinct in grouping you guys, I'm sure some of you are questioning your groups.》

Few of the kids started looking dubiously around, some others looking at their groupies with worried eyes. Some of the groups do feel a bit unbalanced, with some feeling too weak compared to others. There will be students who have doubts, which comes the first reason the principal suggested the groups fight each other today.

《First reason, to see each of your abilities firsthand. You kids are a lot older mentally than you look, what with each of you being either an otherworlder or a reincarnator.》

As the principal said, each of the 24 students in her class comes from another world, or has memories from that world. Whether they be kids who come here through a crack in space, or people that have died and was reincarnated into this world, point is, they're all originally not from here. Meaning, they all have some sort of "cheat" ability. Though, the only "cheat" they have is the memories of their past and the experience they gained from it. These "cheat" abilities, that is Gifts, most people of Nevadalier have them, the otherworlders just have a headstart in their mastery over them. That's all there is to it.

《Secondly, it's to test how well you guys can cooperate with people you've just met.》

Once the students graduate, they have plenty of options to choose from as graduates of the Armscademy, granted, most options involve putting their lives at risk. Be it private bodyguards, mercenaries, joining the army, graduates of the Armscademy will have easy access to high paying jobs, and as Nevadalierians, if they were to operate outside the country, their demand would skyrocket, and so would their price. After all, even a normal Nevadalierian citizen can match up to ten of any other country's soldiers. All in part of the king's blessing on his subjects. Anyway, if they were to go on these jobs that would risk their lives, that would of course mean cooperating with people. Either their own party members or their contractors, they will have to form an agreement of sorts, and most of the time, they'll have to be with strangers. The second reason is to test how well they work with people they can't trust just yet.

《And finally... just for fun.》

As for the third reason... it was just because the principal felt like it would be fun. Though, because of a certain red-haired student, one group would be at a severe advantage from the others. There's a reason why the principal placed the four strongest kids in the same group, supposedly. Though she hasn't explained what they are at all, the principal has plans for this particular group, and is excluding them from battle.

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