Introduction: Naverias

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Underneath the royal capital of Nevadalier lies its sister city, the Heart of Trade, Naverias.

The Angel of Naverias, one of the greatest Fixers of all time, as well as an expert in handling personnel, is the one governing over the Heart of Trade, ensuring safety and prosperity. Naverias is known as the Heart of Trade for a simple reason: it's highly complicated interconnected underground pathing system that connects to a multitude of cities and towns in all corners of the Kingdom of Nevadalier.

Despite being an underground city, it is said that the lights of the busy city shine brighter than even the royal capital's most bustling festivals. Visitors and denizens alike can hardly tell it's underneath the capital with such lights all over the large city.

The city is a resting nest for traveling merchants, home of the mercenary headquarters, home of the most prestigious academy for aspiring businessmen, the Economics Academy of Thros, as well as home to many different entertainment facilities.

As it is located right under Nevadalier, most Nevadalier residents find themselves spending more time in Naverias than their home city. Whether it's for work, entertainment, or other businesses they may have. Some even say that Naverias is the true royal capital.

Ever since the founding of Nevadalier, Naverias had always existed alongside it, growing in size as the nation's borders grow. It connects many different cities together with it's underground passageways, and as many new cities and towns appear, so will the paths connecting the cities to Naverias.

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