Lesson - Part 2

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Magic is an imitation of Gifts, far inferior, but far more accessible. Magic follows a set of rules, but no one knows the exact origins or who came up with such rules. It takes specific concepts and turns them into offensive, defensive, or supportive "spells" that anyone can use at any given time, regardless of whether they have a Gift or an Aegis, or not.

There is a System in place to activate and control Magic, using the Via Ex Machina as the means to distribute Magic to the ones that use it. As mentioned, Magic is an imitation of Gifts, and Ex Machina are capable of imitating Gifts. As such, their role in the Magic System is irreplaceable. Magic users issue commands to Via Ex Machina, and Via Ex Machina take action. That's the basics of how Magic manifests.

《If I remember it correctly, that is...》

Rose finished her explanation with a disclaimer. The existence of Ex Machina isn't that well known, but it's not exactly a secret, either. Everyone Melanie knows that come from a different world knows about Ex Machina, people that aim to be the pinnacle of magic are well-versed in the topic of Via Ex Machina, and if you live long enough, you would eventually meet one or two Ex Machina throughout life.

《Well, it is a lot more convoluted than simple things like Aeges and Gifts. I'll give you a passing mark. Lastly, Theilinheart.》

Melanie glanced at the principal upon hearing her name, but she didn't stand up like the others before her. Call it disrespect, but Melanie knows that the principal would actually prefer it if her students were more relaxed.

《Sorcery was that thing you used when I came through the door.》

The principal hadn't even begun to ask her question, and Melanie was already answering it.

Sorcery is, simply put, energy manipulation. The worlds are filled to the brim with energy, and Sorcery allows one to physically manifest energy and manipulate it freely. There are two types of Sorcery, the only difference being what type of energy is being used. Invocations use one's own energy, or their life force, to physically manifest energy coming from within their body. Manifestations use the world's energy, the world's life force, to manifest energy in a physical form anywhere in the surrounding area.

《And usually, Sorcery is taboo.》

That's because in order to use Sorcery, one would have to sacrifice either their own lifespan, or the world's lifespan. Obviously, once people found out about this, the use of Sorcery was imminently banned, and practicing it would normally be cause for execution. The only ones who can freely use Sorcery without any drawback are Ex Machina and Primordials.

《And you, Miss Eli, aren't you a Primordial?》

《Well, I'm not exactly hiding it. What about you, aren't you an Ex Machina?》

《Pseudo. I'm Partim Vita Ex Machina, don't get it wrong.》

They were having a casual talk of secrets that they usually shouldn't be able to talk about, but they didn't show any worry.

《There's a Veritas Mendacium nearby. Care to explain?》

《Ahh, you must mean Maria. She wasn't sent by any Administrator, if that's what you're worried about. She just drifted here.》

Veritas Mendacium Ex Machina are able to wipe memories and render consciousnesses deaf until it is deemed safe to continue. Only Primordials and other Ex Machina continue talking while those who do not hail from Babel will fall deaf, and their memories of anything relating to Babel will cease to exist after the conversation is over.

《We should continue.》

《Yes... You answered well. Good job.》

The classroom returned to normal and the principal started floating around. She lifted her finger slightly, and the four students she called earlier started levitating. All but Melanie flinched or had a slight reaction as their bodies suddenly began to float.

《Sophia Télinfer, Freia Citadel, Rose Farren, Melanie Theilinheart. The four of you will form a group. I'll group the rest of you similarly. After that, I want you to sit near each other, then I'll explain what we'll do in this classroom to all of you.》

The girls then plopped down as the principal let down her finger, and started looking at the students one by one. She then began grouping them into 4, and the students moved to sit near their group members.

《Everyone settled? Alright, now let's get to the important stuff.》

As she was floating around lazily, the principal lifted a piece of chalk with just her finger, and started writing on the black board behind her.

《The twenty-four of you must all think you're somewhat special. After all, you're in the Unique Class. Naturally, you'd be "unique."》

The principal started talking as the chalk was writing on the board, floating.

《Haaahh... Though, in this classroom, you're all the same. None of you are different from the other in this classroom. Though, to be fair... Yeah, compared to the other classes, you lot are different...》

She yawned as she spoke, and she was talking slowly, she even stopped to drink some water before continuing.

《But! None of you are special in this classroom! All of you may be originally from other worlds, but when it comes to this world and its laws, baby birds, all of you!》

Casually dropping the bomb that every single student comes from a world different from this one, she continued on with her speech.

《You may have experienced war and death back where you come from, and some of you may be a lot more older than you look.》

A few students evidently reacted to that statement, most notably, Sophia and Rose. But the principal still continued.

《But compared to me, you're all just kids! ...Except for one of you. So, it's my job to correct you kids and make sure you end up where you need to.》

She mumbled something under her breath for a quick second before continuing, and then she finally stopped. She grabbed her bottle and drank some more water, and calmed down as she floated down and stood up properly.

《Well, we were shuffled anyway, so don't you think it's a good idea to try to learn what we can? Some of you may have already mastered all sorts of techniques, but there are still some that don't even know how to summon their Aegis.》

The principal walked behind her table and slammed it. She had a very eager glint in her eyes.

《Frankly speaking, I'm excited. This is the first time I've had my class filled solely with otherworlders. I'll make sure each and every one of you get out of this place with something new.》

The principal then started floating again, and looked down at her students. She smiled gently while her students were talking amongst themselves.

《Once again, I'm Eliminoir, the principal of this here Academy of Arms. Work well with me, Class U-01.》

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