Chapter Two

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I rolled over, squinting my eyes at the sun that was shining through the big window. I noticed that I wasn't at home. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. It was a hospital room.

"Cali?" I looked over at Daddy who was sitting up in a chair in the corner of the room. His eyes looked red from crying.

"What happened?" I ask. He gets up and I scoot over, making room for him on the bed.

"Marcus broke one of your ribs and you're badly bruised. The broken rib punctured one your internal organs and it bled into your lungs. That's why you were coughing up blood. But the doctors fixed you up. You were in surgery all night. I was worried sick." I hug him.

"I'm sorry I worried you. I should have left him when you told me to. But I was being stubborn and I was in love with the idea of love."

"Hey, people make mistakes. They have to or they'll never learn anything." He kisses my forehead.

"Thank you so much for being there for me."

"Cali, you mean everything to me and you know that. It may not have been the same with me and your mother but you, I don't know what I'd do if anything ever happened to you."

"You never told me why you and Mom got divorced."

"She wasn't right for me. She was controlling and another side of her came out that I never even knew existed. I couldn't take it. So I took you and left. She didn't even try to come find us. But we were fine, weren't we?"

"We sure were." I smiled at him. I never felt sad that my mother was gone, probably ruining some other man's life at this very moment. I always felt more close to my dad. He was all I needed.

The nurse walked in, holding a clipboard. "Ah, our little miracle survivor is awake. How are you feeling?" she goes, flirtatiously flipping her hair over her shoulder. Probably to impress Daddy. I don't know why, but I found myself angry at her because of it.

"Fine, actually. Why am I a miracle survivor?" I ask.

"It's shocking that you survived the procedure. With your blood loss and injuries, I'm surprised you made it to the hospital alive."

"Uh, that's good I guess." A doctor walks in.

"Well you're looking good." he says. "You look a whole lot better."

"I feel better. When can I go home?"

"We need to keep you for a few more hours to see how you heal. If all looks good, we can release you. Would you like to do the paperwork now?"

"That's okay, I'll do it." Daddy says.

"And you are?"

"Chris Brown. Her father."

"Oh? You look so young. I thought you were her husband or something of that nature." I snicker escaped my lips, only to have Daddy glare at me.

Mom was very very young when she had me. It had been a horrible thing. Daddy's father and Mom's parents were very sick people. They were on drugs and drinking constantly. As a game they had threw Daddy and Mom at each other, forcing them to have sex. I didn't want to listen as Dad told me the story but I had to anyway. He wanted me to know the truth. Mom got pregnant at 13 and had me at 14. By the time they were 19, they were married and in their own place because of Dad's singing career. But like a lot of other of marriages, theirs didn't last. Now he was dating this pop singer named Rihanna. She didn't necessarily like me. And I didn't necessarily like her either. We'd fight and Daddy never believed me when I said she started it. That's one thing I didn't like about Daddy. He never believed me when it came to her. I guess he was blinded by her beauty.

"Daddy?" I go.

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"What is it about Robyn that you like so much?" I usually call her by her real name.

"Cali, you know I've already told you. She's almost everything I look for. Beautiful, smart, and sweet. Just like you. I love her and you know that."

"But she's clouding your belief in me. Whenever I tell you she's hurting me, you never believe me! And it hurts to know that your own father doesn't trust you when I've done nothing but be truthful all the time! If she stays, I'm leaving! Don't even look for me!"


"Just go! I can sign my own release papers! Go choose that whore over your own daughter!" I turn away from him, crying. What hurts me the most is that he just gets up and walks out. I cry even harder. I loved my dad more than anything but I guess he didn't feel the same way. And that hurts.

I was ready to go now. I get up and put on my clothes. No one was in the hallways. An easy escape. I grabbed my bag and tiptoed down the hallway until I got to the front entrance. A nurse spotted me.

"Ma'am? Excuse me, do you have your release papers?" I took off. "Ma'am! Come back here!" I raced out of the hospital and dipped into an alley. There was a fence that I could climb over. I tie my bag to me and hop up on the fence, climbing over with ease. Once I hit the ground, I began to run, heading straight for Marcus's house. I knew he wouldn't be there at this time of day. Just needed to get a few things then I'd be gone. Out of my Dad's life.

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