Chapter Fourteen FINAL CHAPTER

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Oh no the last chapter! So sad. And again, thanks to @kyliepotter for editing! Y'all go give her credit for this story! She's like a god! :D  


I had rode in the back of the ambulance with Cali the whole way to the hospital. It didn't seem like they could get there fast enough. I held her hand as she lay, unconcious, on the stretcher. I kept telling her I loved her. My tears were falling on her hand. If she was gone, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I remembered her warm smile and the way her lips felt on mine. When we pulled up to the hospital and the nurse said she would take it from there, I placed a final farewell kiss on Cali's forehead. I swore to myself that I would see her again, and she would be able to hold me in her arms and tell me she was okay. I knew she would pull through this. She was strong. She had to be, she was my daughter. I watched as she was wheeled into the surgery room. I went to the waiting room and ignored the stares I got as people recognized who I was. I couldn't sit still. I got up and started pacing back and forth, keeping Cali's face in my mind. 

Hours had gone by. Cali was in still in surgery. I had waited and waited for someone to come tell me what was happening. I kept seeing the scene in my head. Cali was in my arms. Blood was everywhere. I couldn't lose her. She was going to be okay. She had to be.  

"Sir?" I stood up and looked at the nurse.  

"Where is she? Is she okay? Please tell me she's gonna be okay."  

"I'm so sorry sir. She lost to much blood. We couldn't save her. I'm sorry." We couldn't save her. The words played over and over again. We couldn't save her. I sat down in my chair. No. My angel couldn't be gone. She couldn't be. I could feel the will to live leave my body. Wherever she was, I would go to her. I couldn't live on this Earth without her. If dying was what it took to see her again, I would do it. I would do anything. No one could take her away from me. Not even death.  

"Chris." Melissa walked in with Calissa. "I saw everything in the news. I-is she okay?" I just shook my head and started to cry. She was gone. Gone. Forever out of my life. I felt arms surround me. Melissa still wore the same perfume from when we were together.  

"She's gone, Liz." I cried. "She's gone." My beautiful angel was gone.  

Cali's POV  

I had never seen such a beautiful light. It was so bright and I heard it calling me. It was telling me to come closer. I walked closer and closer, hoping I could feel the warm rays from the bright light. But something was stopping me.  

"Cali!" It was a man's voice. "Cali, come back!" I turned around and saw someone. It was Daddy. He was standing there with that silly grin of his on his face. 

"Cali!" He called. I looked from him to the light, to him again. I didn't know which one to choose. The light urged me to come closer. But Daddy was calling me. I don't think I'm ready to face the light. Not just yet. And nothing could ever replace Daddy.  

So I turned away. I turned away and ran towards Daddy. The person I loved more than anything. Just as his arms caught me, I felt a rush of coldness.

I gasped for air. I felt like I had been drowning and someone just pulled me out of the water.  

"Oh my God!" I shot up in bed and looked at the nurse. She had pure shock on her face. "Dr. Webster!" She screamed. "She's alive!" A bunch of more nurses ran in followed by a doctor.  

"She's alive! It's a miracle!"  

"Someone must go tell her family immediately!"  

"Sweetie, can you hear me?" I nodded and looked around.  

"What happened?" I asked, still breathing heavily.  

"It doesn't matter, you're alive!" I was alive. All that mattered, was that I was alive.  

"Where's my father?" I asked worriedly. He was the only person I cared about right now. In a way, he had saved me. He was the only one I cared about right now. I wouldn't calm down until I saw him.  

Chris's POV  

The pain was unbearable. I couldn't take it. I wanted it all to go away. I couldn't believe she was gone. I cried into Melissa's shoulder. She was crying too. It had to be hitting her hard.  

I thought my life was over. I didn't know what to do. Without Cali, it's like I didn't belong in the world anymore. It was like- 

"Sir! Come quick! You have to see this!" The nurse was frantically waving her arms. "It's a miracle! She's alive!" Did she just say what I think she did? No, she couldn't have. It was impossible. It would take more than a miracle.  

"Mom! Chris! They're saying she's alive!" Calissa shook some sense into us. "Cali is alive!" She's alive? Was she really alive?  

I got up slowly only to have Calissa pull me along with her to Cali's room. I didn't want to look. I stood outside the door until I heard it.  

"Daddy?" It was her. It was the voice of my angel. Melissa urged me to turn around and look in the room. I was afraid of what I might see. But when I turned around, there she was.  

"C-Cali?" I choked out. "Is it really you?" She pulled the cover off of her and slowly stood to her feet, smiling.  

"It's me, Daddy." I was shaking. She wasn't gone. She wasn't gone forever. She was alive. She was standing right in front of me! 

"Cali." I ran to her and picked her up, hugging her to the point where I might actually kill her. But she was hugging me back just as tight. And with everyone watching, I pulled her lips to mine and kissed her senseless.  

I was so happy. I was happy that she wasn't gone. My angel was right here in my arms, where she's suppose to be. Right where she belonged.

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