Chapter Four

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"I promise I won't go anywhere."

"I'm sorry, but I can't take the restraints off."

"She'll be okay." Daddy walks into the room. "I'll keep my eye on her." He gives the nurse that raised eyebrow look. She literally falls for it.

"O-oh okay." she stutters. She looks as if she's about to faint. I softly giggle and Daddy winks at me. The nurse takes off the restraints and wobbles out the room.

"You're so mean." I say.

"Hey, but I got her to take them off, did I not?"

"Humph." I think back to earlier when Daddy had walked in with Mijo and Marcus. He had walked in after Daddy and Mijo did.

"What are YOU doing here?" I demanded.

"Come on, I can't see my girlfriend in the hospital?" Marcus went.

"I am not your girlfriend! At least not anymore. So leave. I don't ever want to see you again."

"Come on, don't be like that."

"Get out!" I turned away from him. I felt Daddy's hand on my shoulder.

"Marcus, leave before I call security." Daddy said.

"You know Cali needs me. She even lives with me."

"Not anymore." I immediately sit up.

"What?" I asked Daddy.

"You are coming home to live with me."

"Why? I can just get my own place."

"I have my reasons. You are coming home with me, no ands or buts about it." I started pouting like a little kid.

"So, I guess I'll leave since y'all have this all figured out. But Cali, don't come crying to me when your dad puts you out the house." Marcus said. I glared at him as he walked out.

So it was just me and Daddy at the moment. Mijo had tan off to find a snack machine.

"Dad, do I have to move back in with you? I mean, you know I love your house, but do I?" His house was huge! 2,500 square feet. I mean gigantic!

"Yes. I miss you being at home, Cali. And I promise to take you to the Bahamas if you come home."

"No fair! You know it's my dream to visit the Bahamas."

"I'll take you on a two-week trip if you come home."

"Ugh!" I bury my head in my pillow.

"Pleaseeeee?" He hugs me and kisses my cheek.

"Okay, okay. I'll come home."

"It's not like you had a choice." I stick my tongue out at him.

"Wait, will Robyn be there? I don't want her hurting me again and then you don't believe me."

"Cali, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. I'm sorry I didn't believe you. Mijo told me about walking in on you guys when she was hurting you. I haven't brought the subject up to her, but I plan to. I was wrong to choose her. And I'm sorry." His eyes looked so sincere.

"Promise you won't let her near me?"

"I promise."

"Okay." I hug him tightly.

I had to wait a while before leaving the hospital. My stitches needed to heal to the point where they wouldn't fall out if I moved. Finally after a day and a half, they let me go. Daddy left me at home while he went to Marcus's house to get my stuff. I didn't have much. Just clothes and stuff. He made sure that Robyn was out when he left me alone.

I sat around the house, being bored and crap. I thought about taking a nice long shower but I was being lazy. It was quiet in the house. All of Dad's friends were out. So I was completely alone. I suddenly found myself thinking about Mom. I didn't miss her really. But I kinda wish I knew her more. I was 6 when Daddy kicked her out. So I didn't remember her really.

I walk upstairs to Dad's room. There had to be an old phone book in his closet somewhere. I dug in his closet, looking for an old box or something like that. I spy a dusty box in the bottom corner under his clothes.

"Hmm, this looks old." I pull out the box and open it. There was a big black book inside of it. It was full of numbers. Dust flew out of it and I coughed. Talk about dirty. I searched for her name. Melissa Denson. There was her name, written in black ink. I wonder if the number still worked. It was worth a try. I dialed the number that was written down. It rung and rung. I didn't think she was gonna pick up. Then I heard it.

"Hello?" It was a woman's voice. I was totally lost for words.

"Um." I sighed. "Is this Melissa Denson?" I ask.

"Yes, may I ask who's calling?"

"My name is California Brown." I heard her gasp. "Your daughter."

A/N- Sorry bout it being short. I'm kinda lost for ideas.

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