Chapter Seven

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All of my thoughts kept swirling around in my head at once.

"Cali! Are you packing?" Daddy yelled through my door.

"Yes!" I called back even though I wasn't.

"Cali, you know I know when you're lying. Start packing."

"Ugh!" I roll out of bed, hitting the floor with a thud. "Ow. Daddy! Help me!" I hear my door open and Daddy laughs.

"Lazy bones. Get up." He turns me over onto my back.

"I'm tired."

"Come on, don't you wanna go to the Bahamas?"

"Yeah, I just don't want to pack for it."

"Get up and pack now." He leans in very close. "Or else, you won't get your special surprise." I immediately sit up.

"Oh yeah, will you at least tell me if it's about my birthday?"

"Nope." he says, popping the "p". He sits my suitcase in front of me. "Pack. Now."

"Fine." I get up and start packing my clothes. A lot of shorts, capris, skirts, and jeans. And many many shirts and tops. I pack all the essentials and important stuff. Soon, I end up with two suitcases and a carry on bag.

"Daddy! I'm done packing!" I call.

"Great! Bring them downstairs!" I heard Daddy call back. I sat my luggage outside my door and cleaned up my room first. It was quite messy.

When my room was clean, I sighed and turned to look at it one more time. When I decided it was acceptable, I picked up my bags and went downstairs. I saw Daddy leaning up against the counter, waiting for me.

"What took you so long?" he asked.

"I was cleaning up a little." I responded. I turned away quickly when I remembered what I had felt towards him earlier. He raised his eyebrow in confusion but didn't say anything about it.

"Okay, let's go to the airport." he said. I adjusted my bags and followed him out the door, getting into the passenger seat of his car. He shut the door, and minutes later we were on the way to the airport.

Most of the car ride was silent, as I sat there deep in thought about what those odd feelings I had earlier could have meant. Did I feel something more for my father than just a father-daughter love? I shook my head. That was impossible. Maybe I had just mistaken those feelings for something else. I mean, I was just now warming up to him now that he started putting me before other people. It was bound to feel weird.

"Why so silent?" Daddy asked. I looked up. We were almost at the airport now.

"Just thinking." I said,

"Hm. Okay." he said. I knew he didn't believe me. It wasn't fair that he could tell when I was lying.

"Yeah, just thinking about the Bahamas and wondering what the surprise is." I said, hoping he would at least tell me something about the surprise.

He laughed, seeing my attempt to get him to tell me what the surprise was.

"Well, you're still not getting me to say anything about the surprise." he said with a smirk.

"Darn it." I muttered.

We pulled into the airport, and the next twenty minutes were really boring as we had to go through airport security and make it to the gate in time and everything. We were almost late because a lot of people recognized Daddy and crowded around him, wanting an autograph.

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