Chapter 7: The Unwelcomed Guest

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Slowly you opened your eyes and grumbled a little until you looked down at the peaceful Sammy sleeping on your bare chest. That's when all the memories from last night flooded back into your mind making you a blushing mess, the thought of Sammy's nice fit body going- gah! Keep a straight head! As you pushed those thoughts aside you gently rubbed his muscular back, slowly waking him up with a grumble escaping his lips.

{Sammy's POV}

I looked up to see the most beautiful woman in the world looking down at me with her delicate fingers dancing across my back. I fall deeper in love with her each day. She has set me free in the best ways. Perhaps I should preach about her to the lost ones, yes, ill bring it up later. Now she's officially mine to love, and if anything gets in the way of that or heaven forbid hurt her then I will dispose of them immediately. She's mine, forever, she said so herself.

{Back to your POV Y/N}

"Good morning my love, how did you sleep?" I said at the very sleepy Sammy. "Mmmm good morning beautiful... I slept good, how are your legs~?," he asked in a flirty tone causing me to blush and lighty slap his back. "They're sore obviously, I'm fairly certain I can't walk so unless you carry me then I'm not going far," I said with a giggle. "So what you're saying is this is a free ticket to all day cuddles?"
"My love if you wanted all day cuddles you could've just said so instead of breaking my back," he chuckled at your words before sitting up and gently putting your shirt back on and searched for your panties putting them back on you as well. "Aww did I have to get half dressed?," you asked, "yes my angel, we're going to take a bath together," he responded as he struggled to get his pants back on, nearly falling. Once he was done he picked you up bridal style and carried you all the way down there.

{Time skip brought to you by Donatello's attitude}

After the relaxing bath, Sammy changed the sheets and layed down with you on his chest, both of you fully dressed. You both cuddled and talked for hours about life before and what you would do with life now. Abruptly Sammy stopped talking and felt a person enter the building. "Whats wrong Sammy?," you asked but he only shook his head, "Henry has entered the building," was all he said.

It scared you with how he said his name, simular to Alices, but you were quickly reassured with a kiss. "What wrong with Henry being here?," you asked which cause Sammy to grumble because Henry hasn't actually done anything, it was all speculation but because he has a big brain and is still telling the truth he stated, "I just don't like him, since he used to work with Joey and all, I don't want him to hurt you my precious Goddess." Blushing, you smiled at how sweet and caring he is for you and decided to leave it at that, you know how much he hates Joey so you didn't push.

Some time had passed and Sammy had to get up so he could go "take care of Henry" as he put it, so you patiently waited for your lovers return.

Once he did return he told told you about how he tied him to a pillar and left him, which, you felt a little bad for the guy, maybe you could have talked it out with him. Sammy handed you a bowl of soup and a mug of water, making you feel a little better. You tried to walk but your legs quickly buckled and sent you to the floor so Sammy had to help you up while laughing his ass off since you didn't get hurt. He grabbed his banjo and decided to play a song for you which sounded surprisingly beautiful for it being a banjo. After some time you both decided the break room would be nice to sit in, while you chilled on the couch and Sammy playes pool. The couch got there because you both wanted one so as a team effort, as in Sammy telephoned it, you both cleared some boxes and put it in there.

As Sammy played aka showing off his tricks which you congratulated him on he failed to notice the approaching footsteps until it was to late. Sammy and you looked to the door and saw a very shocked Henry standing there. As fast as he could Sammy quickly bolted towards you and blocked Henry from getting anywhere near you, protectively sheilding you. Slowly, Henry made his way into the room so he could get a better look at you, which you tried to do the same being the only actual humans in the studio. You gently took hold of Sammy's arm signaling you wanted to stand and he obliged. After getting steady against his chest you and Henry just stared at eachother as Sammy had a firm arm around your waist.

"Hello, I'm Henry Stein," the man greeted, Sammy tightened his grip which hurt a bit so he let up. "Um I'm Y/N L/n," you said back. "What are you doing here Henry," Sammy basically hissed causeing Henry to grimace, "You know why I'm here Sammy, I do bassically the same thing every reset," the man responded. "But I don't want to hurt you or Y/N, so please, team up with me, maybe we can end this, or atleast change the outcome" the man pleaded but Sammy didn't like that idea. "Why, what's the point, the Ink Demon rules this land and it'll go back to normal again." After Henry thought for a moment he responded, "Because it has changed, ever since he betrayed you, you haven't came to sacrifice me, you simply let me pass by except this time and not to mention we have her here," he said gesturing to you which caused Sammy to grumble.

"What are you suggesting Stein, that we use my lady as bait?!" Yeah no let's not use me as bait. "Something might change if she's the one to use the reel, I couldn't get anyone else because Tom and Allison might dissappear in the ink, you might as well plus you were to far up the Ink Demon's ass anyways, she the only one," the man stated which made you laugh because of his last statement.

You looked up at the prophet and responded, "if what he's saying is true then it's worth a try, what if it's how I can set you guys free since that's what you wanted to preach to the lost ones about when I could walk again." Sammy blushed at your words but was soon lost in thought as he was thinking about what could happen and after a few moments spoke, "Maybe... give us a month to discuss it and think, then you'll get your answer. I don't want to put my darling in harms way." Henry seemed to smile a warm smile as he spoke, "Ok, I will be in Boris's safe house if you need me, come there when your ready." After that the man left the lovers to get back to spending the rest of their day playing and cuddling.

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