Chapter 10: Carnival Games

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It took about 3 weeks for the sprain to nearly heal. The gash on the other hand was still bad but you can manage seeing as you guys did need to move if you wanted to get this done.

You all left and headed for the metal door to the left, "I'll go get the wheel for it, you two stay here," Henry stated as he ran off. As you waited you leaned against Sammy since your ankle was starting to act up, "Sweetheart, would you like me to carry you? I could give you a piggy back ride," Sammy asked which you graciously took. After making it into the room Henry basically runs around and pushes all the books in seeming had memorized where they all are, "Hey guys before I push this one in be warned, it might get weird," he said as the room shaked and you heard voices, clinging to Sammy harder.

After all that you guys made it across the dark pit and headed forward with you guessed it, another creepy jump scare which did in fact make you jump, Sammy chuckled lighty. "I see you there, my little errand team. Your angel is always watching. What is it that keeps you going? Is it the thrill of the hunt? The thirst for your freedom? or perhaps... You're just looking for a little, friendly, wolf... Better hurry errand team. Boris is having trouble staying in one piece." That demonic angel said. "Ughhhhh you again, get a hobby or something like damn, do you get off on this or something," you groaned which caused the guys to chuckle. "Yeah and my only angel is the one on my back," Sammy retorted. Oh how she hated that

"Listen here you little brat, I will tear that precious face of yours off and put it on me! You don't deserve it!" She yelled. "Awww you think I'm precious? I'm flattered but as I said before I don't role that way, and I'd love to see you try honey," you teased back. "Ugh." At that she gave up and you three continue on.

The dream team made it to a lounge area with a lost one who asked when he can go home, you walked through and saw more of the sad creatures. Henry went first so he could take the jump scare, you second and Sammy last so he can protect you. 5 years later your all out of the vents and headed towards BendyLand after Henry flipped the switch.

There it was in all its glory, still fun as it was before. "Ok so we need to play the games to open the first door so we can get to the other rooms and open their doors," stated Henry. "Alright old man, let me and Sammy take care of this, you prob want a break," you said, amusingly. "Wow, your right."

"Tell me, are you having fun? I'm sure Boris doesn't mind waiting for his rescue party," Alice said. "Hey, hey Alice, why don't you suck it, how's that sound," you said back while still playing. The first door was opened so Sammy flipped the switch and the two of you headed to the room with the butcher gang, "Alright, I'll distract them with the cans while you run and hit the switch, got it?," you asked Sammy. "What no, I'm not using you as bait my lady," he said back, "well I can't run great now can I," you retorted which was enough to convince him. After the count down you threw the can over the edge and Sammy ran down the opposite hall to flip it, once he was back he signaled you to throw one at the stairs so not giving it much thought you did. Suddenly Sammy ran to the other hallway confusing you. Once he came out you went to the other side and dropped a can so he could come back up the stairs.

"Why the hell did you run to the other side for?," you asked smacking the back of his head. "There was a switch that opened the other door over there so I was able to get to the power switch," he stated simply while rubbing his head, oh, makes sense. Once back Henry said he would do the next one so you and Sammy waited his return.

Sammy picked you up and sat you down onto a nearby crate taking off his mask in the process. After staring at eachother dreamily for a moment you both leaned in for a soft kiss, well more like a make-out session. He gently rubbed your thighs as you kissed, pulling away and moved to your neck, biting down a little which caused you to squeal, he chuckled. "Ah, Sammy, we should stop before Henry comes back," you whined out.

"Awww, come on my sweet little lamb, it'll probably take him a while, c'mere," Sammy cooed as he got up on the crate, setting you on his lap. Wrapping his arms around your waist, he put your foreheads together as he slowly rocked y'all side to side. You hummed in delight.

"Heyya there love birds," said the surprisingly happy animator. You and Sammy jumped back causing you to fall backwards but he was able to grab you before you fell completely off his lap, adjusting his mask, and glaring at the man. "Don't scare us like that!" You yelled in annoyance. "Geez my bad, anyways I took care of that switch," replied Henry trying not to laugh. "Come on Sammy, we'll go take care of the last one," you said hoping off of the prophets lap and dragging him away.

Once you both made it to the next room you and Sammy saw the Protectionist light slowly flicker across the door way. When he passed Sammy walked ahead of you and thought out how you guys were going to do this. "Ok, once he passes this doorway again I will run and flip that switch and you will run upstairs and flip the other while he's distracted, got that?," Sammy whispered to you which you nodded in agreement. You both backed up as he came back around and quickly brought the plan into motion. In order to escape the creature he quickly ran back to the miracle station and you ran up the stairs. Once done Sammy came out and back down as you both took notice that he was no longer there, shrugging it off.

As soon as you both made it up the stairs however he screeched right behind you both, quickly Sammy sat down then you as you slammed the door. He held onto you tight as the creature reached out to open the door but was cut off by the Ink Demon barging in. The fight was honestly entertaining and it was frightening and cool how the Demon ripped the creatures head off. The Demon look right at you both but picked the body up by the feet and left the scene. That is about the 50th time you have had to catch your soul again but atleast you had Sammy there to make you feel better.

The two of you came back shaken up, Henry knowing why immediately. Now was the time to "save" Boris, the party knew there was only a battle awaiting them. "And now, the ride truly begins. Come in, and pretend it's all just a bad dream."

You and Sammy got in together as Henry just walked, seeing as it was faster which made sense but you liked the ride. "Because if that's the case... Hang on tight. I've got a surprise..." After snoozing through her whole speech and only catching the end you entered a big "fancy" room with really awesome paintings. Henry warned you both to get out of the cart and you both did, struggling but managed. Suddenly the big Boris or as you heard Brute Boris appeared out of the other door and launched the cart across the room. "Ha ha ha! Meet the new and improved Boris! I took what I wanted, and in return, I gave him so much more! And this time, there's no Ink Demon, no escape. Boris, tear them apart! Leave nothing!" Screamed Alice. "Ahaha, thanks for the heads up, Henry," you said sweating a little and he gave you a thumbs up the fight he begun.

Henry yelled at you both that when the ink shoots out of him you take it and put it in the machine to make a Gent pipe. Nodding, you tried to get him to charge at you which worked but you weren't able to run out of the way because of your ankle, luckily Henry pushed you out of the way while Sammy hit him. When he jumped it sent you all flying but quickly got up. Once he jumped a few times you grabbed the ink and shoved it into the machine making the pipe. "Henry! Catch!," you yelled from across the room throwing it towards him, striking the Brute as soon as he landed. Lastly came the carts, straight towards your heads. After dodging for your lives it was done, the Brute was on the ground.

"No!!! No! No! No!... Why can't you ever just die?!," screamed the Angel as she barreled towards you but was stabbed in the stomach before she could do anything. After she fell you saw the other Alice and a Boris. Ohhhh Allison and Tom, yeah makes sense.

It was finally over, the angel was dead and stood before you was hopefully some friends.

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