Chapter 11: Warm Welcomes

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"Thanks for the save, my names Y/N," you thanked the the angel causing her to nod. "No problem, the names Allison and this is Tom," she said pointing to the wolf. They both looked bothered, quickly realizing why. "Oh this is my friend Henry and this is Sammy as you know, don't worry he's good, I swear," you promised, Allison seemed a little more calm but the wolf still held a cold stare, likewise with Sammy as he wrapped his arm around your waist. "Yeah, I gave up on that traitor a while ago, no need to be alarmed."

"Either way we have a safe house that can accommodate all of you, by the way what are you all doing down here," Allison asked while walking away with Tom and the rest of you catching up. After you made it up near her you responded. "We are trying to put a stop to the Ink Demon's reign over this land, we just need to get to the reel." She looked at you as if your crazy. "That's like a death sentence, it's in a vault near his base," she said. Tom nudging is way between you and her, causing Sammy to pull you closer, glaring at him for pushing you.

"Would you like me to hold you my dear~," Sammy whispered to you seductively and because you've walked a little to much for his liking, nodding, he picked you up by the thighs as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "How's your ankle by the way, along with the cut?," Henry asked. "Oh well they both feel alright, that fight made it hurt a little and the gash is healing nicely, thank yah," you said pulling Sammy closer to your chest.

{Time skip brought to you by Dr.Delicate touch}

Once you all made it to the base Tom put you and Sammy in a cell looking thing since Sammy still can't be trusted while Henry got to chill out, under Tom's supervision of course. They both would leave to get supplies mainly.

A few days had passed since they got there and it was going smoothly other than Sammy and Tom having glaring contests. Today you and Sammy were laying on the cot, him on your chest, you rubbing his back gently. The team had left to get supplies while Allison stepped out to find more ink to put in her bucket, trusting you both to behave.

Sammy looked up at you dreamily as he took his mask off and captured your lips in his. He sat up slightly so he could kiss you more comfortably as the make out session became more heated. Both yours and his hands roamed eachothers bodies, sadly pulling away, panting, as you both caught your breaths. "Oh my gorgeous, spectacular, sexy Goddess. I wish we got more alone time like this so I can worship you in the best ways possible," he huffed out in a needy voice, kissing your neck. Suddenly biting down, you covered your mouth to hide the moan, but it was useless, he heard it. Without Amy mercy he kissed, bit, and licked your neck, still continuing when the door flew open.

Looking to the side you saw them all coming in, first Tom who didn't even glance, then Allison and Henry who did but quickly looked away as Sammy was stilled latched to your neck. Sammy pulled away and looked down at you, smirked, kissed you on the lips before putting his mask back on. Your face was definitely a tomato, it was kinda to late to stop him, as if he would in the first place. Flipping over with you on his chest you both slowly fell asleep in eachothers arms comfortably.

After a few hours you got up and decided you wanted to draw. "Hey Allison," you called. "Yeah," she called back. "Do you have any paper and a pen or pencil?," you questioned. When she rounded the corner she was holding just that and gave them to you. "Thank you," you replied brightly. Sammy had woken up but still wanted to cuddle so he sat on the floor with you in his lap so you could draw. Looking over your shoulder, he saw you drawing the two of you, dancing? That's what he assumed it was, it was a beautiful drawing and scene. Suddenly he got an idea. Slowly pulling you to your feet. "Whats wrong," you asked but he didn't respond, he simply picked up your drawing and stuff, putting them on the bed, taking hold of your hand.

He gently put one hand on your hip and you put yours on his shoulder. You both went to a beat that didn't exist as you slowly danced in circles. Suddenly dipping you which made you giggle. "Never knew you were a dancer Mr.Lawrence," you teased but he only chuckled. "Not so bad yourself Ms.L/N, or should I just call you Sweetheart~," he teased back making you blush at his smooth tone. Once his back was to the door he stopped, pulling his mask off. He kissed you gently on the lips, putting both hands on your hips while yours were loosely around his neck.

You wished it could be this way forever.

{Time skip brought to you by the bite of 87'}

The walls shook which caused you and Sammy to wake up, that, and Allison's distressed voice. "W-whats going on," you asked while getting off Sammy's chest. "The Ink Demon's here, we need to go," she said, pulling at the boards but Tom shook his head putting his metal arm on her shoulder. "I'm sorry...," she said weakly before running out.

"Here take this, you'll need it," Henry said while handing you a mirror. "Traitors!," you yelled at them before turing to Sammy. "What do we do now," you asked. "Try looking through the glass, it's gotta be important if he gave it to you," Sammy responded with a shrug, holding your hand to calm you down.

While looking through it you saw secret messages on the walls. You looked towards the back wall of the cell and saw the messages pointed to the spoon so you told Sammy to pull it. Once he did there was a toilet with a message above it that told you to look in the lid which was jammed shut.

All hope seemed to be lost until you remember, oh shit, my pocket knife. Quickly putting the mirror in you belt holster you took out the knife and un jammed the lid. Once opened you saw a Gent pipe inside, throwing it towards Sammy. "You fight while I be the eyes," you joked. "No time for jokes my lady. We need to go," Sammy said, amused by your comment. He broke the boards and you both quickly ran out, hand in hand.

Making it to the docks you saw the team leaving but there was luckily another boat. Putting it in the ink sea Sammy would hit the clogged ink while you drove. It was a nice ride until the boat got jammed which Sammy was prepared for. You looked at the boat in front of you feeling your heart drop at the huge hand that rose from the ink. "Sammy... w-whats that," you asked in a shaky voice. The prophet turned around being stunned by the think. "I- I don't know," he responded in an even shakier voice as it took the other boat down.

As quick as possible he got rid of the ink as you pushed it to full speed. Each time the boat stopped that hand came out, slowly making its way towards you both. Sammy stood ready for the wheel to clog, quickly getting rid of the ink before the hand could grab you both. Luckily you saw salvation straight ahead which was the lost village. Finally, somewhere you won't get attacked at!

You boarded and practically kissed the ground as Sammy let out the breath he was holding. After making it across he wrapped his arm around your waist and took you to his personal quarters so you both can lay in his bed, by yourselves.

My Perfect Goddess (Sammy Lawrence x FemReader)Where stories live. Discover now