Chapter 13: The Next Morning

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Sammy slowly awoke with a grumble, cuddling closer to his lover. She looks so peaceful in my arms he thought as he moved a strand of hair from his face, kissing her forehead. She giggled opening her eyes to look at him, kissing his nose. "Good morning beautiful, how did you sleep," he cooed. "Amazing. Good morning to you too," you said softly trying to get closer to him.

Chuckling he slowly get up as you wrapped yourself around him. "Darling we have guests so if you wanna go get food downstairs we need to get dressed," he said placing his hands on your tender ass. You whined but obliged.

After you both were dressed he picked you up again and headed down the stairs. Once down he saw Henry at the stove already making food for everyone as Allison and Tom sat on his loveseat watching the TV.

"Good morning lovebirds, how'd yah sleep," Henry suggested making you blush. "Good morning and quiet amazing, wouldn't you say so my dear," Sammy cooed causing you to hit the back of his head. "Hehehe, how about you," Sammy asked. "Good after you two were done," he stated causing Sammy to blush now.

Sammy sat you in the middle of the couch as he sat next to the arm rest. Leaning you head against him you grabbed hold of his arm still clearly tired. "Good morning you two, how'd you both sleep," you spoke up, directing it towards Allison and Tom. "Really good actually, how do you have such huge beds Sammy," she asked, as Tom nodded. "They're custom built, it's just two normal beds put together with a sheet," he said, reading his arm from your grip and wrapping it around your shoulders. "Makes sense," she said before looking back at the TV.

"Foods done," Henry called everyone stood and headed for the table, Sammy carrying you then setting you down. Henry sat his at the end while setting the other four on either side. You and Allison sat across from eachother so you both could easily talk while the boys ate silenty.

After you all ate you decided everyone should play a game of cards which was a nice change if pace. Sammy took all the bowls to the sink and Henry delt. Round after round you all played, laughed, and honestly had a good time for once, except Tom, so grouchy.

The day went by smoothly between you all, Tom and Sammy stopped glaring at eachother seeing as their lady's were getting along just fine. Poor Henry felt like a third wheel but he didn't mind, as long as you all got along.

My Perfect Goddess (Sammy Lawrence x FemReader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora