The Inside Of The Cave

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When they walked in the cave, the house fits in. "Stripeman, the house fits." Said dewey. "Heyyy,, you're right." Said stripeman. The cousins continued walking, until, they saw the cave is bigger on the inside. They gasped in worry, stripeman was very scared, his straw is white and light grey. "Stripes, why are you so scared?" Stripeman turned to his brother and said, "It's too scary for me." They walk to the light, and they see a big room that has a big tv, three beds, two big windows, cabinets and a fridge, then they smiled. "THIS ROOM IS SO BIG!!" Exclaimed dewey. "You're right dewey! It is so big!" Said Stripeman. Stripeman tied a garden hose that way the wind will not blow the house away. Then they ran in the room, watched tv, and eat some snacks. Two hours later, it became nighttime, the cousins put on their PJ's, and they watch movies and episodes on dvds of 'stripeman and strawhead adventures with may and june.' "These episodes and movies are very good to be honest." Said strawhead sleepily. "I've gotta agree my dear brother." Said stripeman, the cousins yawned at the same time. They said goodnight to each other, "Good night dewey." Said strawhead, "Good night strawhead." Said dewey, "Good night stripeman." Said strawhead and dewey, "Good night guys." Said stripeman, they fell asleep, as they dreamed about being home, as the smiles on their faces appeared as they dreamed about being home tomorrow.

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