The Foggy Place

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When they stopped watching tv, stripeman thought about walking again, and told his sister and his cousin, "Hey guys, can we try to walk to a different city or town?" "I think so." Said may when she stop eating cheese crackers. They walked out and grabbed the garden hose, and the ropes, after putting back the sails in. "I got this compass just in case." Reminded stripeman, showing his compass to his sister and his cousin, they understooded. Then it became foggy, stripeman, may and webby dosen't see anything but the house, "Stripeman, why can,t we see anything but the house?" Asked webby worriedly, "I don't know, webby." Said stripeman, when he shook a little, then he stops, then he pulls out his compass, and he held it up, and it pointed 'south'. So they walked forward to see what another place it is, but it was still foggy. "How are we gonna get out of this foggiest place?" Asked may as she held her arm worriedly. "I wish i knew." Said stripeman worriedly. He looks at the compass again, it was still pointing south. "I guess we're gonna keep going south." Said stripeman, as his straw turned white and light grey. The three kids walked to the direction, then they see a building, then they walked on the water, and they walked on the field. "Where are we going?" Asked webby. "I don't know we're just walking in circles or something." Said stripeman feeling very puzzled. It was so foggy the three couldn't tell which way to go. Now the compass pointed 'west'. Webby, and may followed stripeman's lead, "Stripeman, are you sure this is the way?" Asked may curiously, "Yes, may, that is the way." Said stripeman. They continued walking, until they see a neighborhood. "So was this a way?" Said may, feeling a little puzzled. "Uhh,, I think so?" Said stripeman, when he put back his compass in his pocket. The three kids walk in the neighborhood, and see bunches of houses. "I think we should find a spot again, to settle the house." Said webby. The three kids looked here and there again, then they see a strong wooden fence that didn't belong to a person,"That seems like a good spot." Said stripeman when he smiled. "It's a great spot." Said may also smiling. They settled the house, and instead of watching tv, they did their on ways. Stripeman plays on his computer,  webby was playing with toys, and may was doing some arts and crafts.

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