Chapter 3 - The Callings

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As I walked down the hallway, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was calling me. I heard a voice again, like I had heard before. This time, it was even clearer: "Help him."

I stopped in my tracks, trying to figure out what the voice was trying to tell me. I thought back to the cafeteria, and George. Was this voice referring to him? The thought made me feel uneasy. I had no desire to help someone like him, who made my life a living hell every day.

But, the voice wouldn't let me ignore it. I found myself talking to it, trying to get an answer. "Who are you?" I asked. "What do you want from me?"

There was no response, only silence. The voice seemed to be taunting me, teasing me with its words. "Help him," it repeated, again and again.

I walked the rest of the way to class, struggling with my thoughts. I didn't want to help George. I didn't want to get involved in any way. But, at the same time, I couldn't ignore this feeling. I felt burdened, as if I was carrying a heavy weight on my shoulders.

In class, I couldn't focus. My mind was racing, trying to figure out what the voice meant. Was it a message from God? Was I supposed to help George, no matter how much I disliked him?

The voice didn't give me any answers. It only repeated its words, "Help him." I was left confused and baffled, struggling to understand what was happening.

As I walked my way to my next class, I was surrounded by the students of my generation. They were busy scrolling through their phones, completely consumed by the technology that dominated their lives. They laughed and chatted, completely oblivious to the world around them. And it was then that I realized the sad truth. The world was dark and evil, and this generation was a part of it.

They were too fixated on the advancements of technology, and they couldn't seem to connect to their spiritual side anymore. Or, worse, they might have been completely ignorant about it. They were following the norms of the world, conforming to its ways and values, and losing themselves in the process.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness and despair. This was not the kind of world I wanted to live in. I wanted to make a difference, to be a light in the darkness. But how could I, when I was just as lost as they were? 

I couldn't help but think of what my dad, Pastor Jacob, said to me this morning.

Flashback to my dad's question before I left the house this morning:

"Jonah, have you noticed how the youth today is caught up in the world?" my dad asked.

"Yes, Dad. I've seen it," I replied.

"It's alarming, son. We need to pray and be more vigilant in reaching out to them," my dad continued.

With their words still fresh in my mind, I walked the hallways of my school and the reality of what my parents warned me about hit me like a truck. Everywhere I looked, I saw students glued to their phones, ignoring the world around them. Some were even laughing at videos that were clearly inappropriate and offensive.

I couldn't help but think that my dad was right. The students around me were like a mirror image of what he warned me about. They were completely ignorant of the things of God and were too caught up in the ways of the world.

I felt a burden on my shoulders, to reach out to these students and show them the love and truth of God. But at the same time, I also felt overwhelmed and scared. How could I, a 17-year-old, reach out to a generation that was so caught up in the world?

I heard the voice again, "Help him." It was like a reminder of the task ahead of me. I knew then, that I couldn't do this alone. I needed the help of the Holy Spirit to guide me and give me the strength to fulfill this calling.

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