Chapter 5 - The Reason

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After hanging out with my life group at the café, I decided to pay a visit to Pastor Marco at the church. I was feeling a bit hesitant about opening up about my recent experiences, as they were a bit strange and I wasn't sure if anyone would believe me.

As I walked towards his office, I couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort knowing that I could always turn to him for guidance. He was more than just a pastor to me, he was a mentor and a friend.

Over the years, Pastor Marco and I had developed a close relationship. He was always available to listen and offer advice, whether it was about my faith or personal struggles. I valued his wisdom and trusted his judgment, which is why I often turned to him for guidance.

As I entered, he greeted me warmly with a smile. "Hello, Jonah!" he said. "It's good to see you. What brings you here today?"

I hesitated for a moment before answering, "Hey, Pastor Marco. I just wanted to talk to you about something that's been on my mind lately."

"Sure, I'm all ears. What's on your mind?" Pastor Marco asked, his eyes filled with genuine concern.

"I've been having these strange dreams lately," I said, trying to hold back the fear that he wouldn't believe me. "It felt so real, and I just can't shake the feeling that it's trying to tell me something."

"Tell me about your dream, Jonah," Pastor Marco said, his eyes filled with interest.

As I sat in front of Pastor Marco, I took a deep breath and began to detail my dream to him.

"Pastor Marco, in my dream, there was this voice that called out to me. It said 'Go and Preach the word to Nineveh.' And then, suddenly, I found myself in the middle of a raging storm at sea. The waves were high and the wind was strong. I was in a boat with other people, and they were all terrified."

Pastor Marco listened intently as I continued to describe the dream. His eyes were filled with concern and compassion, and I felt comforted by his presence.

"The boat was being tossed back and forth by the waves," I said. "And the people on board were screaming and clinging to each other in fear. That's when I remembered the voice from before. It said, 'I have called you to help these people in their time of need.'"

Pastor Marco leaned forward, his brow furrowed in thought. "Do you believe that God is speaking to you through this dream, Jonah?"

"Jonah," Pastor Marco said, his tone serious. "Nineveh was not an easy place to preach to. It was a city known for its evil and danger. But, the call from God to preach to Nineveh was a call to bring light to a dark place, to bring hope to a hopeless people. It takes courage to answer such a call, but it is also a great privilege and honor."

I nodded, taking in his words. The thought of preaching to a city as dark as Nineveh was both intimidating and exhilarating.

"Are you saying that I'm supposed to go and preach to Nineveh?" I asked, trying to wrap my head around the idea.

"Jonah, Nineveh was a real place in the Bible, but it can also represent a challenge or situation in your life that may seem overwhelming or difficult," Pastor Marco explained. "Think of Nineveh as a metaphor for a task or responsibility that you feel called to, but that you might be hesitant to take on."

"I see," I said, still trying to fully grasp the meaning behind my dream.

"You being called to preach in Nineveh in your dream could mean that God is calling you to step out of your comfort zone and take on a challenge that you may not feel fully equipped for," Pastor Marco continued. "But just like how God used Jonah to bring a message of hope and redemption to Nineveh, He can also use you in ways you can't even imagine."

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