Chapter 11 - The Seat

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I rubbed my eyes and sat up in my sleeping bag, taking in the peaceful morning at the lake. My cousins, Rich, Chosen, and Blessing, were already up and packing their things, getting ready to head back to their home in a different state. Uncle James was helping them, making sure they didn't forget anything.

As I got dressed, I went over to say goodbye to my cousins. We hugged and said our farewells, promising to keep in touch and visit each other soon. They hopped into the car with Uncle James, waving goodbye as they drove off.

I then said goodbye to Grandpa Thomas and Grandma, who were also heading back to their home in town. We hugged and said our goodbyes, and I watched as they drove off in their car.

Finally, it was time for me and my family to head back home as well. My Dad, Pastor Jacob, was already getting our car ready. I said goodbye to the beautiful lake and the memories we made there, ready to head back home and start a new week.

As I arrived at the Blessed Hope Christian Church, I saw familiar faces greeting each other and taking their seats. The ushers were at the door, welcoming everyone in with a smile.

The church was buzzing with energy as people chatted and caught up with each other. I could feel the excitement building as we prepared for the service to start. The music team took their places and began to play a soft, uplifting melody. I closed my eyes and let the music wash over me, feeling grateful to be surrounded by such a loving community.

I looked around and saw my friends, Lea, Cindy, Matt, and Jules, all dressed in their Sunday best. We met up and sat together in one of the pews. We all greeted each other and complimented each other on our Sunday outfits.

"Hey guys, how was your weekend?" I asked.

"It was great, we went on a camping trip to the mountains," Cindy replied.

"Wow, that's amazing. My family and I also went on a trip, but we went to a lake," I said in surprise.

"Really? That's such a coincidence," Cindy added with a smile.

As we caught up, my friends Lea, Matt, and Jules shared their own weekend experiences. Lea said, "I just stayed at home and watched some movies. It was a much-needed break from the busy week." Matt chimed in, "I had some errands to run, but I also took the opportunity to catch up on some reading."

Then, Jules, who was an outdoor guy, spoke up with a playful tone, "You guys are making me jealous with your outdoor adventures. I haven't been camping in ages!" We all laughed and Jules continued, "Maybe next time, I'll join in on the fun."

Cindy noticed my lack of mention and asked, "Jonah, why didn't you tell us about your camping trip during our video call last Friday?"

"Oh, I might've forgotten. Sorry." I explained, shrugging my shoulders. "I only realized about the trip right after our video call ended."

Cindy raised an eyebrow and I could tell she was about to say something but I beat her to it.

"But hey, you didn't mention your mountain camping trip either!" I said, playfully getting back at her.

She laughed, "Touché Jonah, touché."

It was nice catching up with my friends and hearing about their different experiences. We all had unique ways of spending our weekends, but we were all happy to be together at church and to worship God.

As my friends walked ahead into the sanctuary, I told them I would catch up with them later. I was waiting for my life group members to arrive. I eagerly looked around, hoping to see Ethan. But as my life group friends arrived, I realized he was nowhere to be found.

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