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A couple of months had passed since my birthday and I hadn't really seen Five that much. He'd been researching some time warp thing or something. I swear his Dad is always over working him and pushing him to the best of his abilities, but this was a new kind of excessive.
I knocked on the door of the Academy, waiting to see a familiar face swinging it open and greeting me.
"Y/N, how are you?" Pogo answered, moving out of the way and inviting me in.
"I'm good, thanks. Yourself?"
"Brilliant. Are you here to see Master Five?" I held up the coffee cups and he nodded, already knowing the answer. "He's in his room."
I stopped by after my shifts at Griddy's to make sure the boy is still alive and to bring him a cup of coffee.
"Hey fuckface." I said, entering his room and noticing he wasn't there, I placed the takeaway cups down on his desk, taking a quick glance at the papers he had been working on. I went to turn when I heard that all too familiar warping noise behind me and I felt his hands cover my eyes.
"Guess who?" He said in a low-tone in my ear, sending chills through my body.
"Oh lemme guess, the most attractive man I've ever laid eyes on?"
I heard him chuckle and remove his hands and I turned to face him.
"Oh damn it, it's just you." I rolled my eyes.
"Shutup." He smirked, pushing my head back with his hand and grabbing his cup that was marked with a 'B' for Black Coffee.
"Whatcha working on?" I jumped on to his bed.
"Oh, nothing much." He scrambled around his desk, tidying the loose papers into a pile before jamming them into his drawer.
"Good, that means we can do something fun then."
"I suppose it does... What did you have in mind?" He crossed his arms, leaning back on his desk and raising his eyebrows.


We were laying in bed, cuddled up and watching a movie when Five adjusted himself to look at me.
"My Dad's away this weekend, y'know."
"Oh really?"
"Klaus is planning some big party, but if you wanted to come over and spend the night with me, that'd be cool too."
"Are you inviting me over for a sleepover." I laughed.
"I never mentioned sleeping." Five winked at me.
"Ah of course, pillow fights."
"I hate you." He chuckled, hitting me in the face with a pillow.
"Oh, it's on!" I jumped to attention, grabbing my weapon.

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