Chapter 6

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"Hey... Y/n! It's time to get up!"

"Hm?" you hummed as you slowly opened your eyes. Val was looking down at you.

"Come on get up," he said in an annoyed tone, but he still let out a hand to help you. You gladly accepted it.

"Where are we going?" you asked as you rubbed your tired eyes. Val lead you out of the house and into the big front yard.

"If you're going to be staying here you're going to need training," Val said.

"Training?" you echoed.

"Yeah so here," Val tossed you a wooden sword.

"But I don't know how to use a sword," you said.

"Well you better figure it out!" Val exclaimed as he swiped at you.

"Ah wait hey!" You cried as you clumsily blocked the attack.

"They won't wait for you," Val said as he attacked again.

"Wait, shouldn't we have Phoenix help with this?" you asked. Val sighed and crossed his arms.

"No, Phoenix can't know I'm training you," Val sighed.

"Huh? Why not?" you asked.

"Because he specifically said not to," Val shrugged.

"Huh? But then why are you?" you asked.

"Because like I said, if you're going to stay here you need training, you're a human so... if you die here you don't come back like we do," Val said.

"So you just want me to be safe... okay! I'll try my best," you agreed.

For the next hour and a half you and Val went back and fourth attacking each other, and by the time you got back to bed you were exhausted.


In the morning Master Roku encouraged you to take a walk, so that's exactly what you and Arlo did. The crisp morning air of the mountains felt amazing.

"Do you think the others are doing okay Arlo?" You asked as you looked into the city.

It felt so close yet so far.

"Probably better now that I'm not there," you sighed. Arlo whined and nudged your hand. "I'm okay buddy."

A few minutes later you and Arlo stopped at a lake. You sat in the grass the morning dew drops getting you slightly wet. You sat there in silence deep in thought.

"Mind if I sit down next to you?"

"Hm?" You looked over to see a tall muscular man with a green Mohawk in a traditional kimono. "Oh! No go right ahead."

He looked so familiar...

"I don't remember seeing you around these parts, what's your name kid?" He asked as he sat down next to you.

"Y/n... I'm visiting Master Roku and Kaze right now," you said softly.

"Ah, Master Roku! An old friend of mine! My names Nasch," the man introduced himself.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," you hummed.

"The pleasure is all mine," Nasch smiled. You sat in silence for a few minutes until Nasch spoke again," tell me do you know how to skip stones?"

"No, I don't think so," you said.

"Would you like to learn?" Nasch asked.

"Uh sure," you nodded. Nasch stood up and you followed his lead. He grabbed a flat stone and threw it at the water. You watched as the stone skipped seven times. "Ah! Incredible!"

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