Chapter 9

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The next day you had to drag yourself to school. The first thing you did was go to Mr Kay's room.

"Do you think Y/n will come back today?" you heard Yuma asked.

"Yuma you've been asking that for the past week, Y/n will come back when they're ready," Tori said.

"We are all eager for Y/n to come back and they will," Bronk said.

"Man, Yuma woke up early for once?" you asked as you stepped in the doorway.

"Y/n!" Tori and Rio exclaimed as they both ran to you and hugged you tightly. You smiled and hugged them back. They both pulled away with grins on their faces.

"You're back!" Tori exclaimed.

"Yeah, I'm so sorry I left unexpectedly. After what happened my brain became all jumbled. I needed to clear my mind, so I ended up at Master Roku's," you said softly.

"It's okay! We understand!" Rio nodded,"and Shark isn't mad, either. He was really worried about you."

"Huh? Are you sure? Because of me, we wrecked," you commented.

"It wasn't your fault," Rio reassured.

"I beg to disagree, if I just had control at the time...," you started.

"It wasn't your fault," Shark set a hand on your head. You looked at him," it's good to have you back."

Relief washed over you as a soft smile spread across your lips.

"Yuma! We have a problem!" Astral popped out of the key.

"Huh what's wrong Astral?!" Yuma asked. Astral went silent as he looked at you. There was a mix of fascination and fear in his eyes.

"Y/n?" Tori now chimed in looking back and forth between you and Astral.

"I guess I was wrong, it's just Y/n. I apologize," Astral said. Yuma looked at you stunned.

"It's alright," you nodded," I also got this at Master Roku's."

You pulled out the number card and handed it to Astral.

"I thought you didn't duel," Astral commented.

"Not with cards," you smiled. Astral's face dropped. "It was like what Shark and I encountered the other day, but only this time I actually knew how to deal with it! I won against a number!"

"Ah! That's incredible Y/n!" Rio smiled as she hugged you from the side.

"Man you run away from us and come back stronger than ever," Bronk teased.

"Huh!? It's not like that I promise!" You exclaimed.

"We know Y/n, we're just glad your home," Bronk smiled.

"Ah! We should have a party to celebrate Y/n coming back!" Tori exclaimed.

"We totally should!" Rio agreed as she slung an arm around Tori," and I'll totally help you plan it!"

"Guys you don't have to," you said.

"We know, but we want to," Tori said. Who were you to argue?

"Alright," you hummed.

"Right then it's settled this weekend at my place! And Y/n don't be shy to bring Kite!" Tori winked at you. You looked down with a nervous blush. The group all just laughed at your flustered look.


Despite being gone so long you didn't have much work to catch up on. It was Saturday night. You and Kite were headed to Tori's party.

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