Chapter 13

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You jumped, grabbed your katana and ran outside. The tree in your backyard had multiple branches broken off and scattered through the yard. You watched as a number ran through your backyard, it was obviously chasing something.

"Arlo, stay here and guard the house!" You called as you jumped over your fence. You kept hot pursuit on the number. Weirdly it had no interest in you.

Suddenly the number stopped in a shadow ridden alleyway. You ducked behind a dumpster as it scanned the area. You watched as its head twisted in circles...



It stopped looking intensely at a corner. The number raised it hand pointing its finger at the corner. You watched as a sphere started to form.

This was your chance you pushed yourself on top of the lids and pulled out your katana.

"Not so fast!"

You cut the numbers arm off while landing off to the side. you looked back at the corner only to be met with a pair of eyes. You blinked for a minute then nodded to yourself.


"Alright, this is not going to end well for you so you can just surrender now," you said.

The number looked down at you with no expression and raised its uncut arm at you.  You don't know why you thought reasoning was gonna work.

"Okay yeah I guess that's fair," you shrugged as the number formed ball of energy towards you. You rolled out of the way letting it hit the brick wall behind you. Then you swooped in and cut off the leg knocking it down. You took a deep breath and focused your energy at the tip of the sword and cut the number in half.

A loud screech filled the air as the number disappeared. You sighed as you leaned down and grabbed the card. You set it in your pocket and set the sword in your sheath. You turned back towards the pair of eyes.

"I won't hurt you, pinky promise!" you smiled and held out your pinky to whom you assumed to be ninety-six.

"You're in relations with Yuma and Astral," the number said bitterly," I can't risk going back... not back to..."

"Not back to Astral world? I know... I know what they did to you," you said and looked away sadly. "I don't know why the-"

When you looked back Ninety-six was gone and all that was there in his place was a necklace with a dark purple jewel about the size of a quarter. You walked over and grabbed the necklace.

"I'll protect you... I promise," you said firmly, wither it was to yourself or to him you didn't know.

When you got home you were greeted by a worried Arlo.

"Hi buddy sorry to worry you," you hummed and scratched behind his ear. Arlo nudged your hand that had Ninety-six in it. You showed him to Arlo. "He's a new friend... he just needs some time to rest."



"Hm?" you looked over to see your duel gazer going off. Kite was calling. You looked down at your bracelet and realized why he was calling. "Oh shit."

You grabbed your duel gazer and answered the call.

"Y/n! Is everything okay? Why were you using your powers?" Kite asked as soon as you answered.

"Calm down everything's fine," you said calmly. "I just had a close call. Something felt off but it turned out to be nothing."

You trusted Kite, but... if you told him about Ninety-six...

You pushed the thought away.

"Alright... you had me worried there for a minute. I just wanted to make sure you were okay," Kite blushed softly.

"I know, I'm sorry for worrying you," you hummed.

"It's alright as long as you're safe," Kite said.

"I am, promise, but I'm gonna go take a shower then head to bed," you said.

"Okay, let me know if you need anything," Kite replied.

"I will, goodnight!" You smiled.

"Goodnight," Kite nodded.


You tucked number Ninety-six into your uniform, you figured to stop any numbers from breaking down your door was to keep Ninety-six with you.

"Right Arlo hold down the fort while I'm gone," you said. Arlo sat down and smiled at you. "Good boy!"

With that you were in your way to school. Your heart was beating outside your chest. What if the others found out about Ninety-six? No! You wouldn't let that happen! You had this all under control. There was no need to worry.

When you got to school you decided to skip Mr Kay's room this morning. You didn't want to blow your cover immediately. You would just later say you had a project to work on.

Entering your homeroom you notice Damon was already there. You sat down next to him careful not to disturb him. Damon looked over at you but he wasn't looking at your face but right where Ninety-six would be. Your heart dropped. Was Damon from Astral world too?

Hold your ground...

"Can I help you with something?" you asked firmly now looking at him.

"It's nothing," Damon said plainly and went back to his book. Your face flared up in embarrassment your stand offish attitude was probably for nothing. You glanced back over at him to see his stoic expression had returned. You sighed and waited for classes to start.

When lunch time came around you really didn't feel like going up to the roof. You were still too nervous. Especially around Astral. So you stayed at your desk and decided to have lunch there.

"Don't you usually go to the roof?" Damon asked. You looked at him unamused.

"Yes, but today I feel like eating here, is there a problem with that?" You asked.

"No, just not used to having company... if that's the right term," Damon muttered.

"Yeah I get that. I used to eat alone before meeting Yuma," you sighed.

"So what's your name again?" Damon asked.

"It's Y/n," you hummed.

The two of you continued to make small talk until classes started again.

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