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"PARK SUNGHOON, FIGHTING!!!" The ice rink atmosphere got covered by her warm voice.

Since the day they became a friend, she never missed to show her support towards Sunghoon who was practicing on the ice perfectly.

Sunghoon giggled as he found that she was cute.

He continued to show more his professional skills which made the girl whispered in awe.

Chan-mi couldn't stop herself but to clap her hands happily as Sunghoon performed really great.

She thought that she was one of the most luckiest girl who could see her crush perform in person. She curved a pretty smile and slowly zoning out.

She back to her sense as Sunghoon sat beside her.

He untied his ice skating shoes and kept it properly in a bag.

She grabbed the chance to adore him silently in a close view.

Without she realized it, her lips formed a tiny smile.

"This feels so unreal, he's so attractive like a magic" Her heart yelled.

She shook her head as she thought that she has crossed the limit.

She cleared her throat and changed her glanced to other place. It caught Sunghoon's attention.

"What's wrong?" He asked as his gazed turned to Chan-mi, stared into her eyes.

"Ah, it just cold to stay here for a long time" She said and continued with an awkward giggled.

Her heart skipped a beat when Sunghoon stared into her eyes.

Fortunately, she got to control her emotion just now. The atmosphere started to get colder made she blew her palms to keep warm.

Sunghoon fastened his hands to clear his stuffs and grabbed her hand to move out from the ice rink as quick as they can. He couldn't let his friend stay in cold for a long time, she might catch a cold if they stay in there.

She was flabbergasted when Sunghoon suddenly grabbed her wrist. Her gazed fixed on their hands that intertwined. Her stomach started to produce millions butterflies.

"Your hand is really cold, Seo Chan-mi" Sunghoon spoke up as he slowly let go of her hand when he realized that he accidently touch her hand without her permission.

Seeing the girl built the wall of silence made he quickly apologized. "I'm sorry for holding your hand. It just a mistake" He said as he scratched behind his neck.

To be honest, he felt strange to touch her even they already being friend for more than 5 years.

Chan-mi lost her words and turned her back as she started to blushing hardly. She held her cheeks and bit her lips nervously. Then she turned to face Sunghoon again.

"It's okay, I-I just got goosebump" Her answer made Sunghoon laughed on the top of his lungs.

"Come on, why are us acting like this. We already being friend for a long time. Let's go home!" He responded to cover the awkward atmosphere and put his arm on her shoulder.

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