Chapter 3

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Time keeps ticking. Both of them are scared. Suddenly they hear these growling sounds.

"Stay here, I'm gonna go check," Daisy whispers to Amy.

She's peeking her head out and sees those creatures wandering around trying to find them. She turns back to Amy and shakes her head. Amy immediately knows what she means.

"What is she gonna do now to get both of them away from those creatures?" She thinks. She looks around to find something to help both of them out of this situation until she finds something. 

It's a machete. She smiles when she sees it.

"Finally something useful" She mutters only for her to hear it.

She goes back to the place where Amy is hiding. But she doesn't see Amy anywhere. She starts to panic, and walks around the place to find her and tries not to reveal her location. Her hand holds the machete so tight like it gonna start to grow a legs and runs away from her.

Unfortunately, Daisy thought she was being careful and not making any noises, but nothing get back the Walkers. One of them found her. She stands up straight, the machete is still in her hands. When the Walker lunges at her. She swings the machete at their head, cutting it off, blood splashes all over her face.

"Eww, disgusting, ugh." She mumbles and wipes some off. She keeps running around the place to find Amy.

But she sees someone's shadow, at first she thought that it was a Walker, she's about to swing the machete then suddenly she hears a voice

"Daisy, it's me, Amy" Amy yells, her voice and her whole body are shaking. Daisy lets out a breath she doesn't know she was holding.

"You scared me, Amy. Are you ok? Are they bit you?" She asked.

"Calm down, I'm ok. I'm sorry for not listening to you. I saw those things and I panicked, i don't know what to do." Amy explains.

"It's okay, I'm not mad, I'm glad that you're okay." She replies and pulls Amy into a hug.

"Ok, let's get out of here. I hate this place." She jokes and they start to laugh with each other.

When they get out of the place, they hear the sound of a car. Daisy immediately pulls Amy back inside and holds her finger in front of her mouth. Both of them try to hold their breath.

"Who are they?" Amy whispers.

"I don't know, military, i think." Daisy whispers back.

Unfortunately, there is someone outside hearing their conversation. They starting to walks into the room where Amy and Daisy are hiding. Daisy is ready to uses that machete to fight anyone out there. Suddenly the door swings open. There's a man pointing a gun at them

"Amy, get behind me" She tells Amy and gently pushes her behind. She turns to the man and brings the machete out.

"Woah, woah, woah, lady. Put that machete down." He says.

"I will if you put that gun down first." She answers.

"Boss, is everything ok in there?" Someone asks.

"Boss?" She asks the man, confused.

"I'm their leader. And what's your name, sweetheart?" The man answers and slowly put the gun down. Daisy does the same thing with her machete.

"Why do you wanna know? And stop calling me sweetheart. I hate that." She asks him.

"Ok, sorry, I'm just trying to help. I'm Troy." He answers.

"My name is Daisy and this is Amy." She nods at the girl behind her.

"Do you have a place to sleep tonight?" He asks her.

"No, not yet." She replies and tries to get away from him with Amy but he holding her wrist.

"How about come to my dad's ranch?" He offers.

"No, thanks." She replies, still stubborn.

"I insist." He tries again. She looks up at him and makes eye contact with his blue eyes.

"He's pretty cute" She thinks. She hesitates, doesn't know what to think.

"Cat got your tongue, princess?" He jokes.

"Shut up." She replies and turns around to Amy.

"What do you think, Amy?" She asks.

"It's good to have a place to sleep." Amy answers.

"Alright, we'll come with you to your ranch, but if I found out you try to hurt us or anything that you're thinking inside that pretty head of yours, I'll cut your head off with this machete." She threatens him. He raises his hand up in saying nothing will happen to them.

After that, they goes outside with his team are waiting.

"This is Daisy and Amy. They will come with us back to the ranch." He tells his team and climbs into his car and holding his hand out for Daisy. She smacks his hand away and climbs into the vehicle by herself.

A/n: Hey, it's me again. Here is chapter 3. Sorry for late update. Hope you guys enjoy. Don't be afraid to leave a comment and vote or tells me if you found any spelling mistake or grammar. Byee. See you later.

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