Chapter 5

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Warning: Spoilers alert for the show Fear The Walking Dead.

The next day, everyone is gathering at the main part of the ranch for the meeting.

"I was in the dining room dry-canning some beans when an angel fell from the damn sky and crashed in my backyard. I screamed and ran out there. And there she was, all of 12, a lump on the ground, holding onto a giant lawn umbrella. She had jumped off the roof. Thought the thing would hold her. She broke her arm in two places, but she never cried. Charlene embodied the spirit of this place... An always-ready, never-quit, get-it-right-this-time spirit. And she would have... If she wasn't risking her life for the unprepared." The woman called Pat said.

"Pat, thank you." A man approaches Pat and leads her somewhere else. Right after that, another woman stands up and starts to speak "Hello. I just want to introduce my family. I'm Madison Clark, and these are my children, Nick and Alicia. We wanted to offer our condolences for Charlene. And for the other you lost. We've lost loved ones, too. Travis. Travis, he was our compass, and he...We just wanted to say thank you for sheltering us. And thank you for your generosity. We will repay it. Thank you."

Daisy stands protectively next to Amy as they listen to Madison's stories. Daisy, though, hasn't taken her gaze off Troy. They continue to exchange glances. Until the same man who led Pat elsewhere speaks "Thank you. We've all lost. We share that. And grieving's hard, but it's important that we process it..." Another man in the group cuts him off "More important to prepare, Jake. I'm sorry. There is a time and place for mourning, and Patty is owed that. But who brought down the helicopter?"

"We aim to find out, Vernon." Jake tries to reassure Vernon. "When?" Vernon asks. "We're gonna get to the bottom of this." Jake's voice is still soft. "What's your timeline? Jeremiah, please."

"Nothing's changed, Vernon. Make no mistake, we're in a wartime posture here. We tasked alpha station to scout the crash site. When we know what we're dealing with, we'll act. If it's some wingnut, we'll act. If it's a larger challenge, we will act." Jeremiah answers. "Payback, Vernon. Yeah! That's what my father means. Whatever this threat is, large or small, we will make this right." Troy immediately speaks up. "Hey, we'll mete out justice. When we know what it is we're dealing with. We can't afford to lose ourselves. We're more than a mob. We have to be something hopeful in this world. Like my father says, if you plan for the future...Plan for a better one." Jake says.

After the meeting ends. Daisy walks to the cafeteria to get some food for her and Amy. She walks back to where Amy is sitting with food trays in her hand. "Here, let me help you." A man's voice speaks up from behind her so she turns around. "I don't need your help, Troy." She answers him with an annoying voice. "You clearly are struggling with this. Let me help you." After hearing his response, Daisy sighs and lets Troy help her. They start walking to the table. "Hey, what did you do in the old world?" Troy asks. "I was a student in high school." "Hm, high school. I never attended." "Really?" Daisy asks with a tone of surprise. Troy chuckles at her question and nods. "You must have been lonely." "No, no. No, I, uh...I had this place. Everything that I do is in service to this place." After a while of talking and walking, they finally arrive at the table.

Daisy puts her food tray on the table and gently slides it to Amy and then she takes the other tray from Troy's hands and also put it on the table. But then she turns to Troy and asks "Did you eat anything yet?" "Are you worried about me? I did. Thanks for worrying about me, princess." Troy replies with a smirk on his face and walks away. Amy grins as she looks at Daisy. "Shut up and eat your food." Daisy stated, her cheeks slowly turning pink, but also laughs a little with Amy.

A/N: Hello, my loves. I'm so sorry that this chapter came out late. My inspiration still hasn't come back yet but I was bored on the holiday so I decided to write and finish this chapter. I hope you enjoy this chapter and don't be afraid to vote or tell me if there's a grammar mistake. I love you guys and I'll see you in the next chapter. Laters gators. <3.

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