Chapter 7

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Another day goes by peacefully, until one night, Amy and I are sleeping in our trailer and we get woken up by a scream.

"Fire! The fire's spread!" Someone yells. Me and Amy immediately sit up and look out the windows to see an old house is on fire that belongs to an old couple. I start getting off the bed and put on some more clothes then turn around to face Amy.

"Hey, listen to me. Stay here, alright? I'll be back shortly. I promise." I say softly.

"No, I'll come with you." She protests.

"Amy-" I say then cut myself off when I see the determined look on her face then let out a small sigh. "Alright, you can come but you will have to stick on my side. Got it?" Amy nods a little then starts getting off her bed and also putting on some warm clothes. Then both of us exit the trailer with me holding her hand, protectively and approaching the burning house, watching people trying to stop the fire, until I accidentally make eye contact with him but break it quickly.

"We need more water! I need more water" Someone says. "Bring the rest of it! Come on!" Troy commands. Me and Amy stand a few feet apart from the burning house, looking at the fire, with a sad expression in my eyes. "Martha and Russell are dead now, aren't they?" A little girl, standing next to us, asks her mom but the mom doesn't answer her as she covers her mouth to muffle her sobs.

"Come on! Paul, you! Mike!" Troy continues to command his men then Jeremiah, Troy's father, steps into the front. "Stop." He says in a firm tone. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him. "They're gone. Save the water. Let it burn" He continues then walks away. Troy and his brother throw their bucket to the floor in frustration and defeat. After everyone has returned to their trailers, we follow suit, but not before I take a few minutes to glance at Troy and look at him with a sad smile on my face.

The next morning, I wake up before Amy, change my clothes, brush my teeth, pick up my backpack, and walk out of the trailer in silence. As I started approaching Troy, I noticed that he was wearing a military uniform, and he was looking so good in it. "Hey." As I'm getting closer to him, I'm starting to speak up. "Are you going somewhere?" I add.

"Yeah, just patrolling. What's wrong? Wait, are you implying that you're going to miss me when I'm gone, princess?" Troy answers, with the same smug smile of his. "No, I just wanna ask if I can come with you. You overestimate yourself." I reply with a playful scoff. "Well, to answer your question, you can't." He responds while putting his stuff in the back of his car. "Why not?" I ask in confusion. "Because it's dangerous. You could get hurt." He reasons. "I can take care of myself. I've been doing that for more than two years now. I'm coming." I say then start getting inside the car and sitting down in the backseat. "Daisy-" He tries with a defeated sigh then also gets in the driver's seat and starts the car, drives a little to pick up Madison.

He stops the car when we approach Madison and presses the horn a few times, I lean back against my seat, crossing my arms in front of my chest. "Looks like you're with me." Troy starts speaking up, making Madison turn around and look at him. "I guess it does." She replies then goes back to talking with her daughter and son. "Mom, this doesn't feel right." Alicia says softly. "I'll be gone a day, two at the most. Don't worry about me." Madison replies, trying to reassure her kids. "You cannot trust him." This time, Nick speaks up. "The more we understand this family, the safer we are." Madison says, trying to reassure her kids again then Troy begins to press the horn of his car a few more. I roll my eyes a little then turn my head towards the car's window, looking outside while Madison gets in the passenger's seat and Troy starts the car. Due to waking up early, I started to drift off to sleep after a few minutes, my head resting on the glass of the car window.

A/N: Hi, it's me again. I know this chapter is shorter than the last one but I suddenly got writer's block like in the middle of the story and nothing comes out that I actually like so I decided to end this chapter here. I promise the next one will be longer. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to vote and comment. I love you guys, see you in the next chapter. 💚

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