*+- Chapter 1 -+*

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"EMILY! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!" Jaiden shouts down the corridor, not realizing that I'm racing around my room to try and find my usual black, glittery T-shirt. Our school had finally agreed to ditch our tacky teal uniforms for things we already had at home, or in me and Jaiden's case, at our dorm.

"GIVE ME A SECOND!" I yell back, finally yanking my shirt from a small heap of clothes on the floor and putting it on. I quickly grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder before opening my bedroom door and walking down the hallway. The seemingly short hallway eventually gives way to the living room, which me and Jay spent FAR too much time decorating.

"There you are!" Jaiden huffed, turning the key in the door and opening it. I swiftly jog to the door and close it behind me, turning and walking down the gravel path to stand beside him.

"I couldn't find my beautiful, glittery shirt." I brag, gesturing at my outfit and pushing my glasses back up my nose. We start to make the short walk to the school campus, talking about the most random topics on the way. Eventually, we reach the main plaza, being greeted by Abi, James, Sophie and Josh.

"Did you hear what's been going on ALL over the world?!" Sophie exclaimed excitedly, bounding up to me and Jay, the rest of the group following. They all looked slightly concerned. Me and Jay exchanged looks before I shook my head to say no.

"Apparently, people are getting 'superpowers'.." Abi replied, clearly a little wary of the news that had been given to them. Jaiden audibly gasped beside me and James nodded in agreement with Abi's statement.

"A sonic boom apparently," Josh added, blinking several times and turning to look at the school. "Hasn't been a sonic boom here though. Maybe the news is just fake?" He questioned, shrugging his shoulders. Behind us, the rest of the school seemed quiet. No drama, no... power beams? I guess?

"Who knows? Maybe the MaGiCaL sonic boom will come here at some point today!" James pointed out happily, looking at each of us in turn. I chewed my lip, shaking my head. This news seemed quite literally impossible.

"I don't think so, this news seems too sketchy.." I replied, fiddling with my fingers and staring at the floor. "It's not like we're in some sort of cartoon or something." I finish, staring at the pinkish-orange sky above. Before anyone else can reply, the bell rings, bringing all of us to stop and head off to our first lesson. Fortunately for me, my first 2 lessons before breaktime were Double Art.

"Save me... I have Double Dance." Jaiden pleads, grabbing onto my shoulder and whining sadly. I snort out a laugh and make an 'L' with my hand. He huffs and hits me playfully on the arm before reluctantly heading off to the Dance Studio, a hint of a smile on his face. I say goodbye to Abi, James, Sophie, and Josh before going to the Art Room.

I swiftly approach the front door to the Art Block, walk inside and head up the stairs, a faint stench of paint wafting down the hallway as I approach my classroom. As soon as I enter the classroom, the sound of loud chatter fills my ears. Blinking sleepily, I sit in my seat and grab my pencil case from my bag. I pluck my pencil from my jean pocket and mindlessly start doodling on a piece of scrap paper on my table.

"Good morning everyone!" Mr Cowling echoes, his sudden presence grabbing the attention of everyone in the classroom. I reluctantly stop doodling on the piece of paper and look upwards, just in time to see my teacher placing his laptop on the desk.
Mr Cowling is unknowingly always quite cheery first thing in the morning.

"Alright! I have quite a fun idea for everyone, AND it'll benefit our wonderful Art Block!" He added on, gesturing to the corridor briefly before turning on his laptop and connecting it to the Projector. The words: "Whole Class Mural!" appear on the board, and I can't help but sigh. I can already tell this is going to be chaos, and I don't want to be part of it.

*+- Lilac Wings -+*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora