*+- Chapter 9 -+*

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"Golgotha's attacking TOMORROW?" I yelp, turning away from the Woods entirely. Jaiden nodded quietly.

"Yeah. Or so the weird guy said anyway. I.. don't feel like ANY of us are ready, though." Jay pointed out, gazing back up at the Woods.

I bit my lip and followed his gaze, glueing my eyes on the Woods just beyond the school fencing.

"WHERE DID HE GO?!" A loud cry boomed from in front of us. The voice bounced off of the structures around us before finally finding our ears.
Thankfully, Vicky seemed unharmed as a small black speck appeared to be hovering above the trees.

"Uh oh." I mumbled to myself, scanning the trees for any sign of ground movement.
And suddenly, there was slight movement in the jade-green shrubbery, just barely past the fencing.

"THERE YOU ARE. GET BACK HERE!!" The voice bellowed once more, the gargle in its tone making me wince out of mild disgust.
Jaiden's eyes were wide, and he instantly started taking a few steps backwards.
"Don't make me do something I'll regret."

A few moments after the creature had said the words, it seemed to reach behind it. A weird contraption was pulled out: a type of gun.
I practically froze on the spot, glaring at the hooded creature with the dirtiest look I could. It wouldn't DARE. Right?

"Hand over the boy. And you'll be spared. For now..." The creature spoke, holding out one of its distorted hands. Its words were deadly serious, yet I didn't know why.
Why did it want to take Jaiden and nobody else?

"You're not getting him. He doesn't want to go with you." I suddenly said, surprised at myself. The creature tilted its head, suddenly getting a little closer.

"I didn't ask if he wanted to go with me or not. It's not a question. It's a command." The creature retorted, its grip tightening on the weird gun.
"I didn't want to have to use this. But it seems I might have to."

The creature raised the odd gun to point it right at us. I stood my ground, a dirty glare on my face. A small bead of sweat trickled down the side of my face, and I glanced behind me to see that Jay was visibly frightened.

"Do I have to repeat myself?" I asked, anger building up once more. The creature seemed to let out a laugh, the gun still firmly pointed at us.

"You had your chance, puny human." The creature gawked, pressing its distorted finger on the guns trigger.
Within seconds, I turned around so my back was facing the creature, outstretching my arms and wings around both me and Jaiden in an attempt to protect us.

However, a few seconds passed, and nothing had happened. Slowly, I lifted my head to try and see what had happened.


A mighty sound echoed around the Plaza. Without even realizing my eyes were closed, I slowly opened them and looked around to try and spot the source of the sound.

"... James?!" I muttered, looking at the scene in shock. One of James's dragons had blocked the bullet for us.
James looked behind him, grinning wickedly when he saw us.

"What's happening?" Jaiden said quietly, moving his hands from atop his head and raising an eyebrow.
I lowered my wings, loosely folding them up to allow Jay to look.

James returned to look at the gun holder, fire practically burning in his eyes.

"Listen here, you. Mess with my friends, you mess with me." He spat, daring to walk closer.
"And I would NOT like to have one of my beautiful beasts destroy and melt such an ugly one.." He continued, snatching the gun from the creature's hand.

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