*+- Chapter 6 -+*

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It was the next morning, and Golgotha's attack date was getting ever nearer. Slowly, I sat upright, sighing to myself and staring at my window, surprised to see that the Sun wasn't peeking through my curtains.

"EM? Are you awake?" Jaiden called from his bedroom, loud shuffling and some bangs echoing past his door. I yawned loudly and shuffled toward my door, opening it with a creak.

"I'm awake!" I replied, the loud sound of rain hitting the window erupting in my ears. I huffed and headed back into my room to get changed.

"No skipping today, either. We have PE, too, by the way!" Jaiden yelled once more, his own door swinging open and hitting the wall.
I swiftly put some clothes on and grabbed my bag, shoving my umbrella into my side pocket as well.

"Alright. Let's go then." I said, rubbing my eyes and glancing outside the window again. The sky was dull and grey, seemingly with no sign of the gloomy weather lifting anytime soon.

We both walked towards the door, swinging it open and listening to the rain for a few moments before I grabbed my umbrella and opened it. Surprisingly, there was a scattering of students outside on benches, chattering away.

"Why are they outside? They'll get a cold." Jaiden pondered, standing beside me and walking under the shelter of my umbrella.
I shrugged and swung the front door to the main school building open, shaking my umbrella to get the rain off.

"Aw man.. my wings are wet!" I groaned, gesturing to the small puddle that had gathered on the scruffy black mat in front of the door.

"I thought you had them all folded up and under the umbrella?" Jaiden asked, blinking slowly and peering behind my back to take a look.

"Oh well, I'll just find some room to shake the rain off..." I dragged my words, scanning the room for a wide enough area.
My eyes lit up as my attention was focused on the doorway to the DT Corridor.
"Got it!"

"Got what??" Jaiden called after me as I began speedily hurrying over to my chosen spot.

Curiosity had seemed to spark in some of the students around us, their eyes on me.
I ignored it and spread my wings, waving them around gently and watching as little droplets plopped onto the floor.

Strangely, and quite suddenly, everyone looked outside. The sky had turned pitch-black, and the rain had turned torrential.
People were staring and murmuring to one another, worry painted on faces.

Swiftly, I walked over to Jaiden, who was also staring intently at the sky. The colour of the clouds darkened impossibly, and a low, loud rumble filled the silence. Everyone around us stilled, and my breathing was halted.
The tension in the air was so thick that you could cut it with a knife.

"What the fuck is happening..?" Jaiden whispered to me, eyes still glued to the sky. I shook my head and glared, the rain seeming to lift slightly.

"No idea.. but it's spooking the hell out of everyone, that's for sure." I anxiously replied, watching in slight awe as the rain completely stopped.
The clouds suddenly parted, and the Sun beamed down onto the School. It was like nothing had happened.

"OK, what the hell?" Jaiden murmured, blinking slowly and looking visibly confused.


"WAH!? WHAT THE HELL?" I shrieked, Jaiden jumping in fright at the sudden noise. I turned on the spot to be greeted by Evelyn, Vicky's girlfriend.
"What was that for?!" I yelped, coming out as more aggressive than I intended to.

"Heh, sorry! Vicky taught me that one." Evelyn replied cheerily, seeming unphased by my tone.

"God, you scared the ever living HELL out of me!" Jaiden huffed, shaking his head and trying to regulate his breathing a little. A small smile was placed on his face, however.

*+- Lilac Wings -+*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz