*+- Chapter 7 -+*

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The rest of the day dragged terribly, the image of Vicky's glossy eyes constantly on repeat, taunting me.
Eventually, the end of the day arrived.
Everyone slammed open doors, eager to get back to Dorms and catch up with roommates about their days.

"Finally..!" I huffed as I reached my Dorm's front door. I pulled out my keys and shuffled them around in the lock until the door clicked open.
"JAY?? Are you back yet?!" I shouted, hearing my voice echo around the living room.

"HAH! That's so cool!" Muffled voices from Jaiden's room sounded, slipping through the tiny crevice at the door's bottom.

Treading lightly, I followed the noise and knocked politely. The speaking stopped, and footsteps pattered against the wood flooring. Slowly, the door opened, and Jaiden's face peeped out.

"OH! Hey, Em. Sorry I didn't hear you." Jaiden said, a bead of sweat trickling down his cheek. I tilted my head to the side and tried looking behind his back.

"Uh, what are you doing?" I questioned, gazing at my friend with a puzzled look on my face. Jaiden sighed in response.

"Fine.. I, uh. Invited Vicky and Evelyn over.." Jaiden spoke, moving to the side of the door so I could see inside.
Vicky and Evelyn were kissing quite.. passionately, not even seeming to acknowledge that Jay and I were just millimetres away.
"Oh. Right, I forgot they did that."

"Mhm, sure. I'll be in my room." I replied, walking away from the door and opening my own.

I slumped onto my bed, the events of today rushing through my head as I got myself comfortable. Surely it wouldn't hurt to have a little nap, right?
Slowly but surely, my body slipped into a deep sleep, my surroundings soon becoming unknown to me...

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I woke up suddenly, darkness engulfing my body. My eyes darted around as I realized I was standing on thin air.

"Hello..?" My voice echoed quietly, seeming to resonate off of invisible walls.

A bright, yellow light suddenly appeared right before me. I shielded my eyes, peeping through my fingers as the light took the form of something rather familiar.


I jumped at the sheer volume of the cry, the light completely vanishing as the form stood effortlessly tall in front of me. I unshielded my eyes, staring in awe and surprise.

"Arceus?.." I whispered, watching as the God of Pokémon stood before me elegantly, its golden eyes fixated on me.
Arceus nodded simply, a sudden smaller purple light appearing beside it.

"Take it." Arceus seemed to say, beginning to float off of the invisible floor. I watched as the lilac coloured light floated in a downward direction towards me.

"What is this? Is this even a dream or not?" I asked, gazing up at Arceus as it stopped floating upward. It looked down at me once more and closed its eyes.

"You aren't dreaming. We are in between dimensions. Your own dimension. And mine.
Now, hold onto the light and awake. You'll soon know the power I have gifted you."

"Power? But, I already have one?" I asked again, the lilac light hovering before me.

"You'll soon know." Arceus repeated, disappearing again in a yellow light. It was just me, the void, and the lilac bubble of light.

"I mean.. OK? God, this is just weird." I mumbled to myself as I cautiously reached out my palm towards it.

The light jolted towards my hand, purposefully making me touch it. I was immediately blinded by a bright purple light as almost instantly, Pokémon rushed past me, all smiling happily.
I watched on in wonder until the Pokémon stopped, and I was plummeting down into a never-ending purple void.

*+- Lilac Wings -+*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant