*+- Chapter 2 -+*

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"Ugh. I'm UP!" I mumble to myself groggily, shuffling around in the comfort of my bed. I slap my hand over the screen of my phone, hoping that it'll stop the loud happy tune. Eventually, I find the stop button, and my room is plunged into comfortable silence. I sigh, clapping my hands over my face.

"EMILY... A LITTLE HELP, PLEASE.." Jay shrieks worriedly from the other room. I huff and reluctantly swish my duvet off of me, standing up. Opening my bedroom door, I'm immediately greeted by wild flashing lights, light switches switching on and off constantly. I blink, immediately remembering the events of yesterday. Right, this is normal now. Also explains why my back still feels funny. In the middle of the room, Jaiden stands, looking around in worry and mild fear.

"Are you seriously trying to BLOW A FUSE??" I yelp, standing in the doorframe. My friend shakes his head no frantically, his hands waving in protest.

"NO NO. I-I dunno what's happening right now. I just-" Jay rushes through his sentence, hands on his head.
I walk closer, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"OK. Calm yourself down dude. What happened?" I ask, gesturing to the rest of the room. The constant flickering of yellow lights is tampering with my vision. I don't need to be more blind than I am right now.

"OK.. well, I went to the fridge to get a glass of apple juice. And I just... felt tingly? Warm, maybe?" Jay replies slowly, making small gestures with his hands.
"And all of a sudden, my hands are glowing a faint white and the lights and switches start turning on and off!" Jaiden finishes, sighing rather loudly.

"Well.. we need to fix this before Mr Davis sees this. You're the best bet. I have no IDEA where I'm needed in this situation." I shrug, prodding a finger on his arm. Jaiden shakes his head again.

"I-I can't! I've tried focusing on the lights already.." He protests, facial expression looking like he's already given up.

"You even considered being calm? It usually works in, like, movies and stuff." I proclaim, cautiously staring at the lights again. I'm lucky I can even still see right now.
Jaidens face screws up, eyes closed tightly. He chews his lip.

"Honestly? You look like you wanna take a poo on the carpet." I snort, doubling over in laughter. Jaiden ignores me and the 'scrunching' stops. He flips me off, eyes still closed and a neutral look on his face.

Slowly but surely, the lights stop flickering, the switches stop turning on and off and my eyes readjust.
I sigh in relief, immediately retreating to my room to get my glasses, somewhat feeling a little stiff. I shrug it off and rest my glasses on my nose before throwing an outfit on and heading back to the living room.

"I'm glad that's sorted, I'm literally seeing little blue dots every time I blink.. I like how your power is literally just to give people seizures." I huff, rotating my shoulders in circles to try and relieve the minor pain in my back. Jay glances my way, an eyebrow raised.

"EXCUSE ME?? IT IS NOT. Besides, what are you actually doing?" He ponders aloud, pointing at my shoulders. I stop the minor movement and blink.

"My back is a little stiff. I think." I mumble, craning my neck from side to side. Jay sighs.

"I think I know why." He points at the lilac colour behind me. Right. My wings. There is definitely NOT enough room to stretch them right now.
"Go outside dude. It's still kinda early. School doesn't start for another 20 minutes." Jay says, gesturing at the door and nodding at me. I huff.

"If I must." I shrug, heading towards the door, hearing Jay's footsteps behind me.
Our feet tap loudly against the gravel path as we make our way to the Plaza, the morning Sun only just peeking out from behind the School building. A gust of warm wind whooshes past us, whipping my hair around with ease.

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