"Silver spoon"

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'Anguish' that's how I feel every morning when I open my eyes. Wondering what my shitty life will bring to me today. I haven't always been a glass half empty kid of girl, but after 19 years of mental manipulation from my so called parents, you start to lose sight of the positives in life.

I come from a wealthy family, or so I've been told, I'm yet to see theory put to practice, for myself that is. For my older sister though, well, you know exactly where I'm going with this. Laia's always been the apple of mama and papa's eyes, born with a silver spoon in her mouth, everything handed to her on a diamond platter. Me on the other hand, I had to work hard to get where I am, no help, no support, just a strong mindset and a ridiculously strong ambition to get the hell out of this house and as far away from these people as possible. I know you may be thinking others have it worse, I mean, true, I have a roof over my head, food on the table, clothes on my back, but when I tell you I'd give all that up just to have a loving family, I truly mean it.

Laia never always used to be the bitch she is today, she used to be my best friend and the only person I ever truly cared about. When papa used to come home intoxicated by every single alcohol you can imagine, she used to sing me sweet songs to drown out the sound of him and mama fighting. Mama then developed an addiction and everything changed. She became distant and aggressive, Laia started going out, not coming home for days on end, leaving me in my bedroom while my parents were down stairs unconscious due to the shit they'd sniffed up their noses an hour prior. I've never been able to forgive Laia for leaving me alone all those nights when I needed her the most, I understand why she would leave, but I always thought she'd come back and rescue me, take me somewhere where I couldn't hear the deafening screams of my own thoughts spiralling in my head. That's when I started to become fucked up, that's when I started to lash out, and that's when Laia took full advantage of the way I was behaving to make herself look better.

Not all of my family are dicks, I have a pretty good relationship with my Uncle Carlos and Aunt Reyes, I used to travel often when I was younger with them to go watch my cousin Carlos compete in go karting competitions, that all stopped when he got offered a seat for Toro Rosso.  Going racing was my escape, I felt a sense of belonging at the tracks, everyone was so lovely to each other, apart from once, there was this kid called Max, he used to tease me all the time for my, what he would call, 'dorky' glasses. I mean, you can't get much lower than taking the piss out of someone who can't see properly, it's not my fault. Carlos was always there to back me up though, he was and still is my favourite cousin to date, I've always seen him as my big brother more than my cousin and god do I wish he actually was, I'd trade Laia in any day. Carlos just signed a deal with Ferrari F1 team this season and his first race is in 3 days, it took some convincing on Uncle Carlos' behalf, but mama and papa agreed to let me go to Bahrain to watch his first race and I tell you, I've never been so excited to get out of this hell they call home for a hopefully long 7 days...

First chapter!
I hope you guys liked it, this is my first time writing so bare with please haha...
This books based of a tiktok I made on @landosicecream, someone suggested it and I thought I'd give it a go.

Happy Friday!

Revenge~ Charles LeclercOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora